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AATA meets
The Athens Area Trails Association (AATA) held a meeting on Oct. 21. Steve Brewster called the meeting to order. The secretary’s report was read.
Gary Beastrom amended minutes to correct an error that labeled the Sept. 16 meeting with Iron Bull as being with McDevco. The error was corrected and there were no further corrections or additions.
Bonnie Stange read the treasurer’s report. Numerous donations and grants were received, and AATA is working toward researching the price for a new snowmobile.
Visitors were recognized. Will Litzer discussed his idea of bringing the Udder Snowshoe Race and Tour back to Athens. The race circuit that had been associated with this race is now under new management. Race participation is possibly on the uptick. Litzer will do more research on the possibility of AATA working with other groups to bring back the snowshoe race for 2020 and beyond. The AATA discussed logistics of race, concessions, parking, registration and donations.
The candlelight walk is scheduled for Feb. 8, and the AATA may have the snowshoe race this day or weekend also.
Under old business, the Athenian trail is open now that the easement is official. The trail starts from the north end of Caroline Street and goes into Athens Park. The next step in the project is to work from the park back to the north. Completion of this project is going to be measured in years. Trees were planted on the easement as part of Urban Forestry Grant donated by Athenian Living.
The AATA discussed insurance coverage obtained for the next year, with event insurance as well. The AATA hosted an Erbach Park tour on Sept. 16. Present were representatives from the village of Athens, Iron Bull, Wausau Area Events and AATA. A hayride was used to tour the park. All visitors were impressed with the facilities. Several future events were discussed using Erbach Park as a hub, and there will be more discussion in the future.
Summer projects were completed, including Courtney Morse’s wayfinding. Culverts were placed in several spots. A quarter mile of new road base is in place on the south end of the trail system in Erbach Park. Brush was trimmed along all trails and weeds mowed in many parts. New cross country ski signs and dog waste stations were installed. Rich Harding constructed and donated new map boxes.
Under new business, fundraising to purchase a new snowmobile is going very well, and AATA should be able to hit its target of $15,000 but it’ll know more information by Nov. 15. The snowmobile has been ordered and it’ll be delivered around that same time. The AATA will discuss options Continued from page 6
needed with money available. Grants received so far are from Community Foundation and Greenheck. An invitation was sent to Weathershield dinner so assuming there will be a contribution too. The AATA has also received many private donations.
Steve Brewster met with Athens High School about a trail going through its property, and the idea was very well received. A follow-up meeting will be held on Nov. 13. The trail on school property would incorporate different teachers giving students a variety of experiences.
Under winter grooming, once the new snowmobile is delivered, Donahue Supersports will make electrical connections to run power to the groomer. Two-inch receiver hitches will be used to adjust groomer height.
The village may be working on Well Street this fall, pending weather. Bonnie Stange attended Mission Possible for Non-profits lecture. The AATA needs to adjust bylaws at its next meeting to have INC. added. All paperwork with the state is in good order for not for profit status.
Next summer, the AATA hopes to replace a bridge by the dam with another alternative. Steve Brewster will reinforce it before the sectional cross country meet held at Erbach Park, because it was very bouncy. The dam bridge supports are washing out, and it needs attention sooner rather than later. Glen Luetschwager will follow up with Virgil Weiler about some possible good quality used culverts.
The AATA will hold its next meeting on Jan. 13, 2020, unless a special meeting is needed before then for Candlelight/ snowshoe race coordination and planning.
500 Club
The 500 Club met at Athenian Living, with Linda Adams as hostess, on Oct. 23.
Pumpkin squares and coffee were served before playing cards.
Alvira Henrichs won the first game and Agnes Gianoli took second place. Linda Adams won the special prize.
The club will meet next on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Agnes Gianoli.
Family pajama party
Young children and their families can hear relaxing stories, music and get ready for bedtime with a special Family Pajama Story Time from 7-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21, at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline Street.
Attendees can wear their pajamas, bring their blankets and their favorite stuffed animal, too. This event is free and people can call the library at 715257-7292 for more information.
Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens card group met on Oct. 31 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Two games of Sheepshead were played. Jan Lake won the first game and Norbert Lake took second place. Alvira Heinirchs won the second game and Sally Whaples placed second. Bernice Passehl received low score.
The Senior Citizens card group will next meet on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 1 p.m. in the Athens Area fire and Ambulance Hall.
Packers party
Trinity Lutheran and St. Anthony Catholic school families will have a pizza party and watch the Green Bay Packers game at 3 p.m. this Sunday, Nov. 10.
Weekly knitting
Adults can practice their knitting, crocheting and more on a weekly basis with new sessions of Needle Arts afternoons from 1-4 p.m. each Tuesday until Dec. 31 at the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline Street.
Veteran’s Day events
Athens American Legion Post 4 and Athens VFW Post 8527 will hold Veteran’s Day programs on Monday, Nov. 11, beginning at St. Anthony’s Catholic School at 8 a.m. followed by 8:15 a.m. Mass at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church. Veteran’s Day programs will then be held at 9 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran School, 9:30 a.m., at Athens Elementary School and 10:15 a.m. at Athens High School.
There will be a special Veteran’s worship at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 10, at Trinity Lutheran Church and at 10:30 a.m. the same day at Christ United Church.
Book Club
The Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch will have a Book Club from 6:30-8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14. The book attendees will discuss is titled, “The Children” by author Ann Leary.