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SMALL organization hopes to leave big impact on lives of moms, babies

SMALL organization hopes to leave big impact on lives of moms, babies
Volunteers sort through donations for SMALL at Cross Fire Church in Spencer. SMALL is currently accepting donations. Call 715-470-4807 for more information.
SMALL organization hopes to leave big impact on lives of moms, babies
Volunteers sort through donations for SMALL at Cross Fire Church in Spencer. SMALL is currently accepting donations. Call 715-470-4807 for more information.

By Valorie Brecht Although the birth of a baby is a joyous occasion with a new life coming into the world, it can also be a stressful time for new moms, with adjusting to a new routine and family dynamic, dealing with sleep deprivation, and the added financial strain of providing for all of the baby’s needs. A newly-formed nonprofit organization in Spencer hopes to ease that burden and lend a helping hand to moms and babies alike.

Supporting Mothers and Little Lives, or SMALL, was founded by Lisa Kurasz, who attends Cross Fire Church in Spencer. Kurasz, a mother of six and grandmother of four, knows the challenges that come with being a new mom, especially while in a difficult financial situation.

“I realize what it’s like to feel helpless. It’s hard when you’re struggling and you just don’t know what to do,” she said. “That’s where we want to come alongside women and empower them, encourage them, and point them in the right direction.”

SMALL will provide new moms with a layette, or clothing and accessory set, for their baby, along with other baby supplies. SMALL volunteers will also help connect moms to community resources and programs.

“We hope to be a starting point,” said Kurasz. “Ultimately, we want to take one level of stress off and help change the mom’s mindset from, ‘This is so overwhelming; I can’t do this’ to ‘Yes, I can do this.’” SMALL is a need-based ministry for those who are experiencing financial hardship. The organization will receive referrals from local churches, first responders, social services, or other agencies that identify mothers of infants who could use a helping hand.

“For many, many, many years I’ve had a heart for unwed mothers who find themselves in a bad situation,” said Kurasz. “And the problem goes beyond that to any parents, single or a couple, who are struggling to provide for their baby. We have a huge amount of poverty in our area and there are programs out there, but it’s not enough to meet the need.”

The statistics show that roughly one in 10 families in our area are struggling financially, and children are even more vulnerable. According to 2023 U.S. Census Bureau data, 10.2% of Marathon County residents are living below the poverty line, with 17% of children in poverty. In Clark County, 12% of residents are living below the poverty line, with a 17% childhood poverty rate. In Wood County, the overall poverty rate is 9.3%, and childhood poverty rate is 11%. (The Wisconsin rates are 10.6% overall and 13% for children.)

Single moms or couples that are already in a tough spot financially may find that stress compounded when they have the added responsibilities of a new family member.

“Unfortunately when you have a new baby, there’s a lot of stress. The baby’s crying, you’ve got to get supper on the table, the kids are sick, bills are piling up, the car breaks down and you don’t know how you’re going to get to work — it all adds up. This is is just a small way to cut down on that level of stress for families and support them. Sometimes all it takes is knowing that someone cares,” said Kurasz.

SMALL hopes to demonstrate God’s love in a very tangible way. The layette that the mother receives will include items like onesies, shirts, pants, a swaddle, receiving blanket, and burp cloths, and other baby care items. As the baby outgrows items, the mom will be able to return those items, as long as they are still in good condition, in exchange for another item of a larger size, up to six months.

The mother will also receive information on programs and resources that could be helpful, such as WIC, the SNAP nutrition program, energy assistance, and new mom groups. SMALL volunteers hope to help get these moms started on the right foot.

Although the main focus will be on providing clothing and other baby supplies, the organization would eventually like to provide additional items such as gas cards for help in getting to doctor appointments, maternity clothes, and bigger sizes of clothing beyond infant. They also would like to expand this program to other churches throughout central Wisconsin and even beyond. “We hope to have a ripple effect,” said Kurasz. Kurasz also emphasized that the program was not just for first-time moms, but for anyone in financial need who was caring for a baby. “It’s anyone who finds themselves in need, in that situation,” she said. People are encouraged to get involved if SMALL’s mission resonates in any way with them. In-kind and monetary donations, as well as volunteers are needed to reach as many mothers and little lives as possible. Items that are needed include: — Receiving blankets, swaddles, and blankets — Onesies and t-shirts (long and short sleeve) — One-piece sleepers, pants, and socks — Sweaters (button closure) and jackets — Hooded towels, wash cloths, and baby wash — Bibs, pacifiers, and teething toys — Diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, thermometers, and diaper bags — Bottles (4 oz. and 8 oz.), nipples, and bottle brushes — Sterilite clear latch box containers (27 quart and 66 quart) — Ziploc bags (1 quart, 1 gallon, and 2 gallon; any brand) — Safety pins — Copy paper, envelopes, and stamps — Gift cards and monetary donations Remember that all donations must be in new or like-new condition. Donations can be dropped off at Cross Fire Church, 212 S. Pacific St., Spencer, from 6-6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Sundays, or by appointment by calling 715-470-4817 or 715-255-9609. Donation pickups may also be available.

SMALL is also in need of volunteers for inspecting and sorting clothing donations by size and gender, ironing, organizing items, and putting outfits together. If interested in volunteering, email or call 715-470-4807.

SMALL will also gladly accept monetary donations, which can be made by writing a check to Cross Fire Church, PO Box 83, Spencer, WI 54479 and writing “SMALL” in the memo line. Gift cards are also welcome, whether for gas or for the organization to purchase needed items from a local retailer.


Lisa Kurasz organizes donations for Supporting Mothers and Little Lives, or SMALL, a newly-formed nonprofit ministry of Cross Fire Church in Spencer that aims to support new moms throughout central Wisconsin by providing quality baby clothes, blankets, and other baby care items.