Ms. Diestler’s seventh grade geography class has been learning about ancient Greece. To finish off the lesson, they held the Olympics! Two teams competed, Sparta vs. Athens, in a number of activities that included speed walking and throwing a “javelin.” Just like in Ancient Greece, the winners wore a crown that resembled an olive wreath. The seventh Graders had a blast learning about the geography of ancient Greece as well as the history of the Olympics!
The Greenwood Spanish Club and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) hosted the Valentine’s Day sale. Many thanks to all the Spanish Club and FBLA members who helped prepare and deliver the gifts. Special thanks to Tender Shoots Greenhouse for their wonderful flowers, and FBLA for their teddy bears. Many thanks to the Jazz Choir for their serenade services. Finally, great thanks to all of you who made a purchase, which supported not one, but two organizations.
Shown above, Karsyn, Tysen, and Matěj enjoy Valentine’s celebrations.
The Greenwood Spanish Club explored new cultures on Jan. 31. They first visited the History at the Castle, which is a museum of artifacts from the Appleton area, including seemingly countless items from Erik Weisz, better known as Harry Houdini. Earlier in the school year, students in the one-act play performed “The Last Illusion.” Some of the Spanish Club members were in that play, including the one who played the role of Houdini.
After that, students traveled to Africa, via Cirque en Afrique - Kalabante, who performed at the Performing Arts Center. They are from Guinea, Africa, and combine traditional African art with contemporary circus performances. They saw acrobats, contortionists, human pyramids, and musicians who played African drums, guitars, saxophones, and the kora.