From the - Elementary Principal’s desk

From the
by Greenwood School District Elementary Principal Christy Zierer
Where does the time go?
We wrapped up the 2024 year with a fantastic Christmas concert and a visit from Santa. The kickoff to 2025 was filled with positive messages thanks to the drumline group called Sheltered Reality.
Steve, the founder of the group, has a heart of gold and has started teaching Greenwood and Loyal students drum lessons. If your child is interested, please reach out. These lessons are open to all students in 5K through sixth grade.
Ourschoolhasamultitudeofdedicated staff who provide so many amazing opportunities for our students. We’ve had individuals like Dazzling Dave the Yo-Yo Man put on a show and teach students how to do yo-yo tricks. We have had individual classroom and all-school field trips. Students were given the option to participate in fun contests. The most recent was designing a shirt to support our Greenwood Elementary Youth Sports and partake in an FFA agriculture coloring contest. Our students love our celebratory weeks, where they get dress-up days. Our Wellness Week encouraged students to learn ways to help those in need, a sentiment to carry into adulthood.
There is also a multitude of heartfelt things that staff membersdoforourstudents on a daily basis. Our music and band teachers have expanded their love for music by offering choir practice to our _ifth and sixth graders. Over the cold winter months, staff have supplied any student with the proper attire should they have forgotten it. Projects and challenges to promote creativity and a love of learning are ongoing within the classrooms. I am always in awe of how much time staff puts in because they care so much.
As we _ind ourselves over halfway through the school year, I want to thank all of the families and community members who have supported us. Your donations during our fundraisers allow us to provide our students with extra experiences they otherwise would not have. The quality time you take to encourage and cheer on our children is priceless. I see this at the games and whenachildexpressesthejoyofsnuggling up to read a good book with a loved one. Your unwavering support matters and is greatly appreciated.
Warm regards, Mrs. Zierer