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Loyal Legion Auxiliary plans upcoming events

The Loyal American Legion Auxiliary Post 175 met on Feb. 11. The meeting was called to order by vice president Jodi Lindner, and began with prayer, a moment of silence for deceased members, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble. There were no guests. Members with February birthdays are Kathy Pieper, Barb Lucht, and Dawn Jacobson. Roll call was taken, with 14 members present.

The secretary’s report was read by Julie Poehnelt and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was read by Norma Wentzel and approved. The sunshine report was as follows: Barb Lucht sent thinking of you cards to Sharon Rogers and Alice Kennedy, a birthday card to Pieper, and a sympathy card to the Lyla Thorson family. Shirley Olson read thank you cards from Camp Victory, Shirley’s House of Hope, the House of Mercy, and the Lyla Thorson family. Lindner thanked the members who worked events in January.

For new business, upcoming events will include the March 7 and 14 fish fries, March 16 bingo, March 17 steak feed, and March 26 chamber banquet. Julie Poehnelt will look into purchasing an American flag, pole, stand, and five grave markers. Olson talked about the 50-year party on April 25. Poehnelt made a motion to spend up to $100 on a wooden American flag plaque for a raffle, seconded by Olson. The motion carried. This event is open to the public.

Jackie Rowley and Lindner attended the Midwinter Conference. Lindner attended a session entitled “Be the One,” which gave information on the Veterans Suicide Hotline for veterans only.

There will be a tour of Camp American Legion in Tomahawk on June 4.

The Auxiliary is looking at Oct. 18 or 25 for the comedy show.

The next meeting will be March 11 at 7:30 p.m. Bob Hannum won the monthly drawing. Chaplain Donna Langfeldt offered a closing prayer. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.