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Loyal Legion Auxiliary meets

The Loyal American Legion Auxiliary Post 175 met Jan. 14. The meeting was called to order by President Jackie Rowley and opened with prayer, a moment of silence for deceased members, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Preamble.

January birthdays are Norma Wentzel and Alice Kennedy. Roll call was taken with 16 present.

The secretary’s report was read by Julie Poehnelt and approved. The treasurer’s report was read by Norma Wentzel and approved.

The sunshine report was as follows: Barb Lucht sent sympathy cards to the Jean Langfeldt family, a get well card to Sharon R., thinking of you cards to Gary W. and Kathy P., and thank you cards to Diane and Virginia from Thorp.

Rowley read thank you cards from the American Legion Auxiliary, Shirley’s House of Hope, the Ronald McDonald House, and Chippewa Veterans Home for monetary donations and lap quilts, and thank yous from the Don B. family and Gary W. The Auxiliary also received a thank you from Danielle S. for scholarship money.

The president thanked the members who worked events in December.

For new business, upcoming events will include the Feb. 14 fish fry, Feb.15 Whitetails Unlimited banquet, Feb.16 bingo, Feb. 17 steak feed, Feb.22 Christmas party, and Feb. 24 blood drive.

Jodi Lindner discussed a new idea for a fundraiser: hosting the Pro Comedians in October or November. More information will be forthcoming. The Auxiliary decided to scratch the Dueling Pianos idea.

The Auxiliary will need to pick out books for the library in honor of deceased members.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 7:30 p.m. Chaplain Donna Langfeldt offered a closing prayer. The drawing was won by Tami Cook and re-gift by Elena Hurrell.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.