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Three candidates vying for 69th Assembly District seat

Three candidates vying for 69th Assembly District seat Three candidates vying for 69th Assembly District seat

By Valorie Brecht Three local candidates are competing to represent Wisconsin’s 69th Assembly District, which includes all of Clark County as well as all of Stanley, Medford, Abbotsford, Colby and Athens. The Tribune Record Gleaner interviewed candidates Roger Halls (D-Stanley), Karen Hurd (R-town of Withee) and Joshua Kelley (I-Greenwood) to get their views on the issues ahead of the Nov. 5 general election. The following are their responses.

Roger Halls (D-Stanley) 1. Why are you running for public office?

As a father of three girls and with family in the LGBTQ+ community, I believe their rights are being stripped away. With the Dobbs decision and 24 anti-LGBTQ bills brought up, I want those communities and my family to know they have people fighting for them. I would also like to see our communities flourish and our small businesses succeed. To do that, we need to expand childcare, fully fund our schools, expand education, expand on rural broadband and keep healthcare in our rural communities. These areas are either under attack, not appropriately funded, or just ignored.

2. What knowledge and/or experience do you bring to this position?

Besides sitting on the city council for five-plus years, I bring a potent combination of a background in public service, experience as a veteran, and a commitment to community-driven solutions. My time in the military taught me discipline, leadership and the importance of teamwork—skills that I will use to unite people and tackle tough issues. My background in working with diverse communities has given me a clear understanding of the challenges many Wisconsinites face, from economic hardship to healthcare access and educational inequality.

3. Inflation is a major concern for many Wisconsinites, with groceries, gas and other commodities being less affordable than ever. If you are elected, what could be done to address that at the state level?

I think the issue with prices stems more from price gouging than inflation. If elected, I would work to address price gouging by advocating for stronger consumer protection laws and better oversight at the state level. One essential approach would be implementing stricter penalties for companies that exploit market disruptions to unfairly raise prices on essential goods like groceries, gas and healthcare products. Additionally, I would push for better enforcement of Wisconsin’s existing anti-price gouging laws, ensuring that businesses are held accountable when taking advantage of consumers during emergencies or economic strain.

Increasing the minimum wage and addressing broader economic issues like affordable housing and healthcare would ease the financial burden on Wisconsinites, making everyday expenses more manageable. By combining stronger enforcement with consumer-friendly policies, we can help protect Wisconsin families from the devastating impacts of price gouging.

4. Illegal immigration is another hot-button issue. To what degree do you see illegal immigration as affecting our local area, how would you address this issue in state office?

If I’m elected, I’ll work to find fair and practical solutions, like supporting programs that give undocumented workers a path to legal status or work permits, allowing them to contribute to our economy without living in fear. This is a reminder that there was a bi-partisan bill authored by one of the most conservative members of Congress that was shut down so it could remain an election issue. This bill would have made legal immigration easier to attain by adding more border guards, judges and administrative officials, streamlining the current process.

Immigration gives us a chance to strengthen our economy and our communities if we approach it with compassion and practical solutions.

5. Mental health is another big concern, especially among our youth as we see more and more young people struggling with depression or anxiety. As a state representative, what steps could be taken to address this issue?

As a state representative, addressing this issue would be one of my top priorities. First, we need to increase funding for mental health services and make it easier for social workers to move to and continue practicing in Wisconsin schools. By providing more counselors, psychologists and social workers, we can ensure that students have access to the support they need when struggling with anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges.

I would also advocate for expanding telehealth services to make mental health care more accessible, particularly in rural areas where services are often limited. Telehealth can help bridge the gap for young people who may not have local access to mental health professionals.

It’s also crucial to destigmatize mental health through statewide education campaigns. By promoting awareness and encouraging open conversations about mental health, we can help young people feel more comfortable seeking help.

I would work on policies that support mental health training for teachers and school staff so they can better identify early signs of mental health issues and connect students with the appropriate resources. These efforts will help ensure our youth get the care and support they need.

6. In addition to the issues I’ve mentioned, in talking to the people of the 69th Assembly District, what are some of the main issues or concerns you hear brought up, and how do you plan to address those concerns if elected to office?

In my conversations with residents of the 69th Assembly District, three concerns consistently surface: access to affordable childcare, affordable housing and affordable healthcare. These issues are interconnected and affect the quality of life for families in our community.

Many parents struggle to find quality childcare that is both accessible and affordable, making it difficult for them to work and support their families. If elected, I will advocate for increased funding for childcare programs and expand family subsidies. This will help ensure that all children can access safe and enriching environments, allowing parents to pursue their careers without stress.

Affordable housing is another concern, with rising rents making it challenging for families to find stable homes. I will push for policies that promote the construction of affordable housing and support initiatives for first-time homebuyers, making it easier for families to secure safe and affordable housing in our district.

Healthcare costs continue to burden many families. I will work to expand access to affordable healthcare options, including Medicaid expansion, and support initiatives that lower prescription drug prices. By improving access to healthcare, we can alleviate financial pressure and enhance the wellbeing of our community.

Addressing these issues of childcare, housing and healthcare can create a stronger, healthier community where families can thrive. If elected, I am committed to being a voice for the residents of the 69th Assembly District and working towards real solutions to these concerns.

7. What are the main factors that differentiate you from your opponents in this race? In other words, why are you the better choice of candidate?

I moved to Stanley after leaving the Army as a decorated two-tour Afghanistan/Iraq veteran with a Bronze Star. I've seen many places, but Wisconsin has always been my favorite. I want my home to thrive and succeed. I realize not everyone has the same story, life experiences and beliefs, but that is what makes us special. All I want is for people to have a happy, fulfilling life and even if that is currently out of reach for many Wisconsinites, I hope to change that. I will bring my open mind, empathy, compassion and humanity to the Wisconsin Assembly.

8. The 69th District encompasses a wide area. How have you been working to connect with voters throughout the district?

Connecting with voters across the 69th District is essential to my campaign. Though I workfull-timeandcampaign, my time is limited. I try to get out where I can, but it is not always possible. I’ve been actively engaging with community members through social media. This has played a crucial role in my outreach efforts. I regularly update my platforms with information about my campaign, community events and important issues affecting our district. This allows me to reach a broader audience and engage with constituents who may not be

Please see Candidates, page 7