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Kindergarten enjoys start of school year

Kindergarten enjoys start of school year Kindergarten enjoys start of school year

Kindergarten (shown above) is off to a great start! This month, we are learning how to work together with our friends. This is called collaboration. We are following our classroom rules and routines while having fun playing with each other. On Oct. 4, we went on our first field trip to the Stevens Point Children’s Museum, C.A.S.H. Park, Feltz Dairy and the pumpkin patch. We are excited because our first module for EL Education is about toys and play. At the Children’s Museum, we explored many new toys. It’s going to be a fantastic year filled with learning and fun! ~Mrs. Bezlyk, Ms. Tomke and Mrs. Wolf

It is hard to believe that the first month of school has already come and gone! First graders have settled into daily classroom routines and are progressing forward in all academic areas. In math, students are focusing on counting by ones, twos, fives and tens. Counting by twos was a real treat with the aid of twin pop popsicles (see above right)! Additionally, students are utilizing number racks and ten frames to help build and solve equations. In language arts, students have been introduced to hand tools through “tool challenges.” Each challenge presents a dilemma, prompting them to determine the best tool for the job. By engaging in group discussions, asking questions and experiencing tools firsthand, students are building their understanding of tools.

Coming up, students will begin to explore characters in literature and analyze the habits of character that aid in problem-solving and making work easier. Students will utilize what they learned about tools and habits of character to collaborate on a project called “the magnificent thing” for their classroom. Students will share their “magnificent things” at our literacy night on Nov. 14. ~Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. Rucker, Mrs. Klabon