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Loyal proud: Augustine family thanks community

Dear Loyal, The name cannot be better for this town – Loyal Strong, Loyal Proud. Thank you for helping out all of us fire victims. Your generosity, love, prayers and support are all so appreciated. You have all of our gratitude.

Amanda Stephens and her business has been amazing. She jumped up and took charge of setting up clothing and food bank. She has given up hours of her time to organize and orchestrate to meet all of our needs. Men, women, and children patronize her business.

Our loved librarian also suffered a loss. We need her and the town to recover. The firefighters, first responders and police were all there, and from neighboring communities. You must remember, they are all volunteers – they don’t get paid. Some of them were up all night, as those of us were thrown into the street, looking for a place to lay our head.

I need to thank and mention Rick and Margie Szymanski. They are always there for anyone in trouble or need. Margie and her daughter were there to see me through hysterical bouts of crying and pain. We heard Rick stayed up all night on site.

But, the nicest, most thoughtful acts have come from Ron Cuddie and his wife. We have temporary shelter, but more than that, a beautiful, comfortable place to stay – better than a first class hotel. I would also like to thank Dr. Mike Conard, P.A. Mike was also burned out of his home. But as we were meeting with the Red Cross at the city hall, Mike was on his personal cell phone to procure and fill all my medical prescriptions over the phone. Not only was he our neighbor, but our primary health care provider. He had his staff fill my prescriptions in just minutes to care for me when he was in his own time of need. It would have taken me hours or days for what he accomplished in minutes.

I think everyone affected by the fire can reach out to each other. We will help ourselves as best we can. In the meantime, we are WISCONSIN PROUD! LOYAL STRONG!

Thank you for all the donations, kind thoughts and prayers.

Love from Dennis, Marci and Dennis Jr. Augustine P.S. Thanks for all your giving. Your rewards are in heaven – I promise!

Augustine family –

Dennis, Marci and Dennis Jr.
