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Libraries, one of the many things that enhance our quality of life

Dear editor, Clark County has many things that offer a great quality of life, such as our county campgrounds. Bruce Mound offers us winter recreation. Our well-maintained highways allow us to travel safely and quickly to our destination. Our emergency responders allow us to sleep better at night. Our libraries offer us books to enjoy and provide many more services to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

For those of us utilizing our libraries, it comes as no surprise that in addition to borrowing a book or DVD to enjoy AT NO CHARGE,wecanuseahigh-speedcomputer to search the internet or compose a letter and then have it printed at the library. We can apply for unemployment benefits by using the library's computer. We can do research by utilizing the library's resource books or the computer. Need to find your Wisconsin representative or senator? Ask to use the Blue Book available at your library. Is your child looking for something interesting to do over the summer? Contact your library; they have many summer programs for children. Do you want to get your baby or toddler interested in books? Attend story time with them at your library. Do you want to know what ADRC has to offer in Clark County? Ask them or ask your librarian; many ADRC programs are presented at our libraries. Does your group need a place to meet? Ask your library – many of them offer their community room for this. In addition, many libraries offer a game day where you can enjoy the company of others while playing cards or other games.

While our campgrounds, Bruce Mound, highways, emergency responders and libraries are some of the things that make living in Clark County a quality life, they all cost money. Our libraries are funded by a combination of municipal funding and county funding. The library in a municipality is supported by taxing the residents of the municipality, plus funding from the county based on a State of Wisconsin statute requiring the counties to fund the libraries in their county.

Rural residents of Clark County may utilize any library in Clark County, just like a resident of a municipality with a library. The formula to decide what Clark County pays to the 10 libraries in Clark County is based on the cost of an item checked out of the library two years ago. Each library's cost is different based on the total cost to operate the library and the number of items checked out. For example, if the cost to operate the library is $100,000 and they check out 10,000 items, the cost per circulation is $10. So if rural Clark County residents checked out 1,000 items, the cost to rural Clark County residents would be $10,000, and the rural Clark County residents would pay their share of the operating costs of the library. HOWEVER, the State of Wisconsin has a complicated formula for compensating municipal libraries for the services they provide to all county residents. The formula states: that the county must pay at least 70% of the cost of items circulated to rural residents of Clark County. In the past, the Clark County Board has authorized the county to compensate its libraries at anywhere between 70% and 85% of the cost of a circulated item.

In 2024, the Clark County Board agreed to compensate county libraries at 85% of the cost of a circulated item. The libraries were asked to report to the board how they used the larger reimbursement. All of the libraries reported back to the board. All used the money wisely to increase the quality of service to their patrons.

For 2025, the county's executive committee voted to fund the Clark County libraries at 78% of formula. At 78% of the formula, six of the 10 libraries in Clark County will receive less compensation than in 2024. As an example of how the combination of municipal plus rural compensation works, in 2024 the cost to the taxpayers residing in Loyal to support their library is $59,500, or $49.91 per resident. I did not research the cost to residents of other municipalities with libraries. In 2024, the cost per each rural resident to fund Clark County libraries at 85% of the formula is $22.72. In 2025, at the 85% funding rate, the cost to each rural resident of Clark County would be $24.80, or $2.08 more per each rural resident of Clark County. The above numbers are based on the estimated 2023 population stated in the Official Clark County Directory.

While I believe the Clark County libraries deserve to be compensated at 100% of the formula, we should at least stay at the 85% compensation level for 2025.

If you believe compensating libraries at least at 85% of the formula is important and justified, contact your Clark County Board supervisor and ask them to approve compensating Clark County libraries at 85% of the formula. The finance committee meets again Sept. 16 and the budget meeting will be in November.

Jim Mildbrand
