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Last week I spent a ….

Last week I spent a …. Last week I spent a ….

Last week I spent a lot of time talking about Thanksgiving. This week it looks like “What a week, but all is well that ends well”. At least I hope it is.

Monday was kind of special as I got my booster shot. It was a bit different as this is the first time I’ve visited the courthouse since all the new security measures have been put into place.

When the courthouse was built it was kind of unique being located on a hillside. Now, with several entry doors, it became a question of security and how to control that. Who would have thought a public building is no longer easily accessible?

The main entry point is now on the lower level, but is not accessible to handicapped people. I recall a time when I was on the County Board that a young man confined to a wheelchair had commented on not being able to handle the doors. He had entered a complaint and I heard a board member saying he could just wait for someone to come along and help him. That was before the days of automatic door openers that seem to be any place the public needs to get in or out.

I did get in, rode the elevator down to the first floor and got my booster shot. I was a bit shocked to see the amount of security being used at the public entryway. It looks almost like everyone coming in is treated as some kind of a threat, but that is how our society seems to have changed.


Tuesday was a good day but I was surprised while getting a haircut, the fact that I had no sound for Sunday’s church service was not a problem at church. It was my computer and it took another day to discover I could tap on the right key and correct that. So it just happened I went to Sunday church on Wednesday evening. That made up for what else happened on Wednesday.

I went to what I thought was just a routine checkup at the clinic. Holy smokes when I heard my lab report in the Heart Failure Department it was a good thing I was sitting down.

Not only was my potassium extremely high, I had developed a kidney problem. The potassium issue came up one time before and I was told to quit eating potato skins. Now I also learned that just potatoes themselves and, I sure hated to hear this one, potato pancakes. I told Sue I guess I would have to switch to chicken dumpling soup instead of potato pancakes when I come to her house. And to think she had just bought herself a blender and grill to fry them on.

The kidney issue is yet to be resolved and perhaps it has something to do with a section of one kidney they removed some years ago when they discovered it was cancerous.

Thursday was spent going through my pill boxes and bottles and removing the medicine that was quickly cut. I guess the joke is on me as I had just purchased a new pill splitter and was surprised to see the two medicines cut were both pills that had to be split.

Today, Friday, things were looking up. Even in just two days there was some progress and I hope things continue to get better. I still have a few things to do with my life.


The other day, when I went to the post office for my mail, I noticed the bank clock read 25 degrees. When I stepped out of the car I thought to myself, it is cold out here. Then as I walked in I thought, gee, just wait until the day comes when 25 is going to seem warm. Won’t that be nice?



Watching the national news can get depressing. Especially when you see something in Congress get voted down because all the members of the House or Senate in one party stick together and kind of get their way. Or the other way around and vote for something just because that party had voted that way.

Then the other day something dawned on me. I thought we elected those people to represent us, not the party involved.

The same can be said of an article in last week’s TRG. It becomes a bit alarming when people who are elected to uphold and enforce the rules of the land can encourage people to break the law.

Some of this comes from the ability of certain people to do as they like while the rest of us are supposed to follow the rules.

And we shouldn’t just blame certain groups as it seems like many people like to take matters into their own hands. A case in point is the section of Highway 13 going into Marshfield. The highway goes from two lanes to three. Almost as if it is automatic, some drivers are going to speed up. I guess my eye sight must be bad as I don’t recall ever seeing a sign that allows for going more than 55 miles per hour.



As for ending the weekend on a high note, I can say it came true. Sue came up Saturday morning and got my remote control printer working.

Then we drove to Abbotsford for lunch and as we left town, workers were preparing for the 50th annual Christmas Parade. I recall being at the first one. Hard for me to believe our friend Carol O’Leary who started it is well past the 50 year old mark by now.