A thought just came to ….

A thought just came to my mind. I’m sitting here enjoying myself and just waiting for the day after tomorrow. That would be Friday when I expect to come home. So why not start my column for next week as things might be a bit unsettled when I get home. More on that later. It is amazing how fast two weeks have gone by. Everyday looks so beautiful. Bright sunny skies, a breeze most of the time and like they say,“What is so rare as a day in June”. There is news on the television about how hot it is, but I’m not sure of that, or is it just a lot of hot air.
Therapy has been kind of fun and interesting. One day I had to bring my washing. I guess they just wanted to see if I could load the washer and transfer them to the dryer once they were washed. I still have a couple of pieces of clothing which have spots on them. That was back in the days when Florence washed and used bleach instead of laundry soap. Another interesting thing was to learn that I sometimes hold my breath when doing something. Which in the end, makes me short of breath. Often, when I’m getting a check-over, someone asks if I have fallen lately. I always tell them, only when I try to do two things at the same time. It is something I’ll just have to work on as good breathing is good for good health. The only down side comes when they want me in therapy and it doesn’t seem to matter if I am watching a show on television or not. When I’m home the kids are trained not to call when certain shows are on. Like The Price is Right, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.
Yesterday was a fun day. They called it a “walk through”. Jackie picked me up and two people from therapy followed. They wanted to see how I managed to get in the house and move about. It was a little hard to explain as someone or some people have been redoing some cleaning. I suppose it dates back to the days when I was running every day to visit Florence so there was no argument it really needed doing. That and eliminating some bottlenecks which got in the way of my walker as I moved about. It was pure luck I found my walker I call “Tommy” when I visited Jackie and Bob in Florida a year or so ago. It is so nice to keep me steady and if I get tired, turn it around and sit down. One of the girls in therapy was concerned that I didn’t always put the brakes on before I did that. She complied by attaching a sign with huge letters that say, BRAKES”.
There are some good things about being in therapy. I’m seeing some of the people I knew from the two years Florence was here and I was almost a daily visitor. Then the other day someone popped in and said she remembered working with Shelly when she was a bedmaker up here. Someone kidded about coming back to see them, but I doubted whether that would ever be for more therapy. I was sharing this with one of the staff and she suggested we walk over to the original building and see how some of the remodeling is going. It was just gorgeous, but there was an alarming thing about that unit. It was full. So hopes of getting in would have to depend on whether someone passed away or moved out. Maybe I should check and see if they have a waiting list I can get on. On the other hand I still have lots of things to do. I even have things on my calendar as far away as 2025.
One of the sad things about the pandemic is the ruling of no visitors. I have heard so many stories of people who wanted to visit a relative or friend but could only wave through a window. I never have figured out what I would have done the two years Florence spent up here and I’d been told I couldn’t go and see her.
Friday came and the only sure thing I knew when I got up is that I would be leaving that day. Then word came down. I would have a tele-conference with my nurse at the Marshfield Clinic congestive heart department at 10:45 and leave at one.
A hurried call was needed to place my order for lunch and I thought I was all set. Well, the conference was at 10:45 and when it was over I went back to my room. My bare room. The bed was stripped and I didn’t see my clothes and other stuff to take home. As I looked around I found them in the hall on a cart heading to the front door where Mark was sitting waiting for me to come out. It was a beautiful drive home. The day I left we saw the first cutting of hay. Now the grass has grown, the roadsides have already been moved in place. What a pleasant sight to behold. I quickly took a seat in my lawn chair on the front porch and just sat and enjoyed it. It turned out to be lunch time and wouldn’t you know. The Methodist Church was having a brat fry, which Mark claimed they did especially for me. As I look around, I am finding most of the things I need. In a couple of instances I guess some things are just gone. Right now it is between Mark and Jackie who is going to take the blame if something is gone. Monday starts a whole new life for me with Meals on Wheels and Home Care. In three weeks time I have accumulated a few things from Facebook worth sharing. Like the question about whether you have ever heard of the bar called Fiddle. It was really just a vile inn.