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Another year in the books

Another year in the books Another year in the books

After an unsure beginning, the 2020-2021 school year ended on a high note. We were able to have family members come into the building for our 50th Annual Easter Parade. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hanson had their fifthand sixth-grade students perform end-of-the-year concerts. Both the 4K class and the kindergarten classes had graduation ceremonies, and the last day of school was filled with fun activities; everything from a scavenger hunt to the fire department creating the ultimate sprinkler for the students.

The success of the school year happened because everyone in the whole district worked together to do what was best for the students. Thank you, students, staff members, parents and family members, and all the community groups, churches, and business that helped to make this a memorable and successful year. Summer school started June 10 and will run through June 30. Students selected four classes from both academic and enrichment options. The food service program is offering free breakfasts and lunches to all students under the age of 18. This year, these meals are being served in the cafeteria rather than as a sack lunch. In the afternoons, baseball skills are also being offered for students.

Please look for updates about registration dates and times later this summer. This information will be posted on the school website and the social media options.

Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing students back for the 2021-22 school year.