what we learned from the learners about learning
The last week of school is always a whirlwind of activity and a time for reflecting on what we’ve learned from the year of effort given, but this year was like no other. Right from the start, students knew this year would be different. With all the cancellations, chaos, and change that swept over their lives in the spring of 2020 not seeming anywhere near over, they geared up and showed up ready for a whole new experience.
The big question was, what would that new experience be, and did anybody really know if it would be effective? Would a virtual experience replace a physical one, or would that be virtually impossible? It turned out that most students stepped up as learners and showed that they have what it takes to get through a difficult challenge. Online education gave our students and families an opportunity to really see what they are made of when the going gets tough in life.
As a way of appraising this demanding school year from the perspective of those who are about to enter high school, our current eighth-grade students were surveyed and asked to think back about some of this year’s tasks and to rank their personal experiences. The results of that survey show a big picture of the trials we all faced.
It is refreshing to know that even with all the new technology available and the movement toward virtual schools that has had a growing presence in our area well before the pandemic hit, our school is still the key hub for successful learning. The school is where our students find partners and resources they can rely on for advancing their personal knowledge.
The specific questions and results of the surveys can be found below.