third grade news

The school year flew by, warm weather has finally arrived, and the third-graders are excited for summer. It’s been a crazy year, and everyone is happy to say that we feel successful having made it through a year of doing things in a slightly different way. We’re hopeful that things will begin to go back to a more normal routine.
The third-graders have made some nice gains throughout the course of the year as evidenced on our MAPS tests. They learned to read and write in cursive, and it is no longer a mysterious code. Students have worked diligently to learn their multiplication facts, tell time to the minute, and calculate elapsed time, and understand the new math strategies that the Bridges math program has provided us. We have worked on geometry and are now learning to multiply larger numbers.
In language, we worked on the use of adjectives and adverbs to make our writing more interesting and descriptive. We have also been writing opinion paragraphs and learning that we need to back up our opinions with reasons. In reading, we have been reading short stories and chapter books as now we are reading to learn instead of just learning to read. Students have been participating in the online version of the Accelerated Reader Program, and have made strides toward meeting their reading goals. thus improving their reading abilities. Computer programs have been used to enhance their knowledge base and reinforce previously learned concepts.
We wish our students a happy, healthy, summer and good luck in the future. We hope to see you at school in the fall!
-- Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Payant & Mrs. Weier

Spencer third-graders celebrate their writing accomplishments.