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Rookie Rockets

As we wind down from a “different kind” of school year, we reflect on the many blessings we have been given. We have a great group of 3- and 4-year-olds who join us for days of learning and fun. They learned how to be a good Rocket and follow the Rocket Way, and found that being in school is fun and are looking forward to being in 4K or kindergarten this fall. We have “station time,” where we do one-on-one and small group work, and learn how to socialize through play with other children. We also have a whole group teaching time where we learn the names of letters, their sounds and a special song to go with each letter. Who knew learning could be so much fun.

We also have our wonderful group of older children who attend before and/or after school, who bring a bright light of joy to all when they are here. We love having each and every one of them here with us.

All of us at the Rookie Rockets Learning Center are getting geared up for our fun Summer Program. We are excited as we assemble some kind of normalcy for our kiddos. Some of the fun we will be having this summer include water fun, picnics, carnival game days, science experiments, puppet shows, crafts and projects and many more fun activities. Along with these activities we will continue to enhance learning every day through reading, writing and math games.

If you are in need of child care and are interested in having some fun in the Rookie Rockets Learning Center this summer, please contact Sheri Schuh at 715-659-3987 or email at