Business class now selling Loyal drawstring bags
Spring is here and what an exciting time of year it is! The business education sector has been very active with accounting, yearbook, and exploring business being the focus. Accounting has changed course this quarter focusing on accounting methods and principles used in corporations that sell merchandise. This includes documenting purchases, sales, tax, and soon employee payroll. With many juniors and seniors having part time jobs, the employee payroll unit is especially interesting and helpful since they can apply it to their own situations and paychecks.
As the school year gets closer to completion, the yearbook students are entering an extremely busy time of year. There are so many memorable events that have special moments that need to be captured such as concerts, awards ceremonies, sporting events and those exciting day-to-day events. While capturing moments is a critical part of the yearbook, it does not compare to the time and energy spent designing, crafting, editing, and revising yearbook spreads. This group is doing an amazing job creating a terrific yearbook that every Loyal student will be proud of. If your high school child has not yet ordered their yearbook, time is running out. Contact Mr. Schiller to purchase your yearbook today!
Exploring business is a wonderful opportunity for seventh graders to learn about the business world. So far, we have been focusing on marketing, product design, and the overall idea of how to run a business. Recently each student chose a product to design, sell, and market through the Loyal School Store. After products were designed, they presented their product along with additional information about cost and potential profit. Then the class chose a product to sell and market as a group. The chosen product was a drawstring bag designed by Josiah and Colten. Congratulations and great work Josiah and Colten!
Bags have been ordered and will be in soon. We’d appreciate anyone who would help us out by purchasing one so we can complete the business process.Drawstring bags can be ordered by contacting Mr. Schiller at 715-255-8552 or Bags are $12 each, but quantities are limited.