Maple Grove School
Continued from page 3
Fromm-Wade said local community stubbornness was a factor, but people pulled for Maple Grove because of a feeling that the school was their school.
“These people felt, and rightfully so, that this was their school that they built through their hard work,” he said. “I think this feeling is still strong in the town today. It’s basic pride of ownership.”
Fromm Wade said there were plenty of times in the tussle with the Merrill school board that he had to keep the faith.
This faith, he explained, however, was always rewarded.
“Doors would open and we would walk through those open doors,” he said. “That continued to happen.”
Fromm Wade said he is “very delighted” that things turned out well for Maple Grove School and, most importantly, its children. He said that the experience in fighting for the school has left him humbled and thankful.
“I followed the passion given to me by the Holy Spirit who told me this is what you have to do,” he said.