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Spencer provided food during COVID-19

Milk, cheese, butter, beef sticks, grilled cheese kits, hot dogs, hamburgers, and pizzas were all in the packages that the Spencer FFA and FFA Alumni delivered for six weeks in April and May 2020.

The program began after a phone call and seed money from the Nigon Family. “They were kind of the lightening rod to get things going,” said Spencer FFA Advisor Mark Zimmerman. “They offered their assistance and financial support to get things going. “

Over the next six weeks, over 70 families would benefit from the efforts. Families were asked to confirm their participation to make sure products would not be wasted. The Spencer School Food Service Program provided assistance with the form distribution and collection as well as assisting with the distribution plan. Over the six weeks, over 25 people would help to deliver the packages to the community members. During the program, 420 gallons of milk were distributed as well as 210 packages of bread or buns, almost 200 pounds of cheese, 160 pounds of butter, 75 pounds of hamburger, 75 pounds of hots dogs and 150 frozen pizzas. Families were excited to see what their packages would contain weekly!

The Spencer FFA & FFA Alumni would like to thank the following supporters of the Dairy & Local Food Program. Donors provided cash to purchase products, products or reduced prices on products.

-- Steve & Annah Nigon Family -- John & Amanda Franseen Family—Quality Electrical Solutions, LLC -- Grassland Butter -- Weber’s Farm Store -- Branden & Heather Bodendorfer Family -- Lynn Dairy -- Nuenens Family -- Kwik Trip -- Festival Foods -- Donna Bychinski -- Chad & Jenny Vierks Family -- Harley & Sherry Meyer Family -- Wenzel Farm Sausage -- Bob & Sandy Rindfleisch -- First Choice Credit Union -- Hewitt Meats -- Casey & Krista Krause Family—Mid-Wisconsin Concrete & Excavating LLC -- Will & Liz Garten Family -- Clark Pizzas