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Children’s theatre production of ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ coming to Spencer

Braving the cold and snow of a Wisconsin winter, another pair of actor-directors is preparing to make the journey in their little red truck from Montana to Spencer’s Tack Center. When they arrive, area youth will be waiting to audition for one of nearly 60 roles in this year’s production of “Gulliver’s Travels”, an out-of-this-world original sci-fi musical adventure adapted by Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT).

With his spaceship wrecked and his trusty computer on the fritz, brave explorer Gulliver finds himself lost in space. While transporting from world to world, Gulliver discovers fighting aliens, foolish Yahoos, robots and more -- all who need just as much help from Gulliver as Gulliver needs from them.

After roughly 15 hours of rehearsal, these young actors will present a single public performance on March 7 at 2 p.m. They will be completely costumed, using professional props and sets, while singing and dancing their hearts out. At that time, they’ll likely have no idea they are experiencing a unique opportunity that combines theatre with improving social and communication skills, self-discipline and self-esteem. Today, more than ever, the skills MCT imparts benefit our youth in a way few other activities can.

There is much to be gained by both performing in, and attending, an MCT production. For those onstage, the visual evidence of life skill development is obvious. Likewise, children in the audience might begin to imagine new possibilities for themselves and, in doing so, become a little bit braver and broader. Adults can offer a wonderful gift to youngsters in their family and circle of friends by inviting them to be their guests at this upcoming performance at the Tack, when energy will be high, talents pushed to the limit and memories made.

Auditions for this production are open to all area youth from kindergarten through grade 10 and will take place on March 2 from 4-6 p.m. on the stage of the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts, 400 N. School St., Door #20, Spencer. Those trying out must stay for the full two hours and must have a clear after-school and evening schedule Tuesday through Thursday, as well as during the school day on Friday and the afternoon of the performance on Saturday.

This MCT Residency is sponsored in part by the generosity of: Tim and Marlene Ablett, Rembs Funeral Homes – Greg and Tami Jackan and Families, Daniel and Claire Schiller Family, Ruby Thomas, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Wisconsin Arts Board.

Tickets may be purchased online at or call 715-659-4499 for more information.