MAREA Meeting Minutes of February
The January 2025 meeting of the Marshfield Area Retired Educators was cancelled because of cold weather, but the February 17 meeting was held at the Country Aire Restaurant near Stratford. President Sally Lucas called the meeting to order. The minutes were read and the treasurer’s report was placed on file.
Several committee chairpersons made reports. The health committee chairperson, Kathleen H. informed the members that the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging has a program on healthy aging coming up on February 26. Members should go online to register.
Ruby P. from the Scholarship Committee reported that she received the transcript of grades from two scholarship winners, Lilly VerBerkmoes, Marshfield, and Carter Roth, Colby, and they were each sent a check for $500. She also read a thank you note from Carter Roth, who is going to college at UW Eau Claire, majoring in music.
The education committee chairperson Doreen S. reported on the candidates running for superintendent of public instruction. She further reported on the five candidates running for the Marshfield School Board. The primary election is February 18 and the spring general election is April 1.
This month’s program addressed the topic, “End of Life” decisions. The speaker, Kathleen Rulka, has helped many as they walk through this part of their lives. She stressed that it is not possible to remake memories from the past, therefore, it is important to create memories of today. She also added that individuals need to have those important discussion about end-of-life desires with loved ones. It makes your choices easier for those left behind to follow.
All MAREA meetings are held at the Country Aire Restaurant the third Monday of each month at 10 a.m. with a lunch following the meeting. For more information about MAREA or about attending a meeting, email Sally Lucas at sally.lucas@yahoo. com.