Peace among creatures

With a cup of coffee in one hand and the other typing, my eyes fall upon my lovely pupperoni sidekick Koda, and the cuteness-that-saves-her-soul Peeka. Koda’s head is extended in front of him a bit more than usual, probably as to get the full comfort level of not having to use his muscles to hold it up - as it is propped up by the couch cushion, and Peeka grooming him. Licking the reaches of the back of his neck that Koda wouldn’t be able to get to. How beautiful it is to see my animals getting along and showing love towards each other.
I don’t know if I mentioned this before in any of my columns, but as you see earlier there are a string of words that accurately describes the feline, Peeka, that lives in my home. Her other nickname is not newspaper appropriate as there is vulgarity in it, sprung only out of a mixture of her love and her evilness. So, I will stick with “Cuteness-thatsaves- her-soul.”
It’s true, the adorableness that she can and does use to get out of certain situations, i.e. destroying our furniture with her scratching and sharp claws, teasing Koda relentlessly while being on the counter (where she isn’t supposed to be), etc. She is the reason why most of our nice things aren’t as freshly nice as when we bought them and why there is see-through adhesive plastic on all possible scratching points. Thanks Peeka.
But seeing her show her loving side to Koda does not happen as often as I would hope for but, nonetheless it happens, and it is a heart warming experience to witness. Seeing two different species learn to understand and even groom the other, out of pure love and “pack” mentality - it is hopeful that we, humans, can and do the same too.
In essence we already do because we live with other species on a daily basis. However, there are those out there that do not have the same compassion as the next guy towards different species (animals) and they believe they are better because humans use more parts of their brain. Let me ask you this then… what if another species came to Earth and used all of its brain and it was the same size or bigger? Would you then realize that bigger is in fact not better always and that it might be the USE of one’s brain, instead of the size and volume that is being used? Are you coming from a place of Ego instead of being in peace?
Just some things to think about and maybe we should remember that unity gets a lot more done than division in many aspects of life. Not just for the sense of camaraderie but for the possibility of living in peace.