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“The right way”

Dear Editor: President Trump’s Border Czar, Tom Homan, said, “If you are in the country illegally, you are on the table. We have millions of people with background investigations, paying a fee, standing in line to come into this country the right way,” giving the impression that people entering this country “the right way” would be safe. At best he was misleading the American public. Last week, 600,000 Venezuelan refugees with proper background checks and vetting by the Department of Immigration (DPI) had their Temporary Protective Status (TPS) classification cancelled. 271,000 Ukrainians were background checked and vetted by DPI and welcomed into this country under the Humanitarian Parole Uniting 4 Ukraine program. Refugees from Afghanistan, Haiti, and Cuba are here under similar programs. The Trump administration is considering revoking the classifications that allowed them into this country with the full approval of this country. If that occurs, they will be undocumented and eligible for immediate deportation.

These people have fled war and violence at home, many with their families, seeking a safe place to live and work. They made great sacrifices to come here “the right way”, only after the US government welcomed their arrival. To turn our backs to them now, and send them back to countries where violence reigns and their lives are endangered would be a shameful thing to do. Congressman Tiffany and your U.S. senators need to know you think America is better than that. People that have entered this country ‘the right way’ should be safe from deportation. Please call or email your representatives with that simple message today.

Bryce Luchterhand

Unity, WI