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Not Santa Claus… it’s Santa Sami

Not Santa Claus… it’s Santa Sami Not Santa Claus… it’s Santa Sami

She’s making a list, checking it twice (or more like a twice-million) as to not miss all of the responsibilities that she is in charge of. Drinking hot cocoa and coffee to keep surging through. She hears the distant holiday music and holiday classic movies that are around in the background of her surroundings. She sings carols while illuminated by the light of the computer screen for the wee hours in the morning and evening with a red Santa hat donned on her head. This is ChristmasÍtime right? Did I miss it?

Whew, I was just assured that Christmas has not passed yet. That’s good. With all of my time working and caretaking the days are starting to merge with the night. Do we live in a perpetual void of darkness lately? I think I saw some sun a couple of days ago, but maybe that is a dream. Well anywho, I say if you can’t see the light outside of yourself, that means you maybe are the light. I guess it only works if you are perpetuating light or maybe you are bringing your own darkness in. I think it is only wise for life if we strive to bring light to all of our situations. So, if you can’t see a light, be your own.

I have to remember to take a pause… which is hard, because it feels that there is just no time. I know I have spoke of this before, but to be completely 100% honest with you dear readers, even the ones who know and write about keeping balance and time for yourself to fill your own cup - well, that gets pushed to the wayside. To be there for others and to help them. To step up and sacrifice some of your time, or all, depending on the situation.

But maybe that is just me. Maybe others don’t and won’t give up their time or make sacrifices for those that they care about. They can stand firm in their convictions and not feel the guilt that another may feel. The more and more I age, I find that I am SO different than others. I think in an extremely different way. I feel things differently than most and sometimes that is looked at as bad or too emotional, letting my emotions get the best of me. To those that think that, my emotions and sacrifice and things I do for others before I think of myself - well that is my superpower. My empathy helps others feel seen when maybe they feel others can’t or just won’t see them.

So, my holiday wish for you - from Santa Sami - to remember to take a moment in your crazy busy holiday rush, take pause. Use your superpower, whatever it is, and you too can maybe help someone feel seen this holiday.