5 a.m. - wake up. 5:15 a.m. - off to the gym. 5:45 a.m. - telling myself I need to get on the stationary bike to finish out my workout. 6 a.m. - done with a quick workout for the day. 6:15 a.m. - and here I am with a cursor blinking in front of my face. Fingers ready to type some extraordinary and wise words. Well, that is the hope, to write profound thoughts for you all to think and contemplate for yourself. However, I have one of the cutest dogs (well, I might be biased because he has me wrapped around his paw), pawing at me telling me that even though it isn’t time for breakfast, it IS time for breakfast. He is such an attention….. getter.
I tell Koda that it is in fact NOT his time yet and he goes to lay down… for about well… time will tell. Let us get on with our fun learning about something while we see the true experiment unfold. 6:34 a.m. - I grab my coffee cup and Koda is eyeing up my hand, head popped up a bit, just waiting for the time I push the button to set the recliner back up. With false hope he lays his head back down.
A word is rolling around in my head, discipline. I explain to a family member, when they congratulate me on staying motivated enough to get up early to work out. It isn’t motivation, so much, but the discipline I hold for myself. It isn’t a harsh form either, like it sometimes is. Mine is a form of, well, self love. Speaking in columns before how exercise can help you mentally, emotionally and physically (obviously) was a way of describing health. I left out that it also can be used to show yourself love. Your love. That which you give so freely to others. How often do you show yourself your own love? When do you fill up your own cup?
6:52 a.m. - I take another drink of coffee and Koda has gotten fully out of his bed and almost toppled over from wiggling his butt back and forth while walking over to me. In my head words form from what I believe he is saying, “Mom! Mom! Mooomm! It is time. It is time to EEAAATTTT!” (wiggle, wiggle, wiggle). “Let’s go. Look at how cute and how excited I am to eat that delicious food you’ve prepared for me. Yes, mom, carrots and all!” Alright, I suppose it’s close enough.
Discipline. Boy, sometimes you need discipline with your own self to not give into those cute puppy eyes. To help keep another on track. To show him kind and gentle discipline as well. Motivation might be something that gets you started and stays a bit, but tends to trail off over time. Discipline though, she will stay with you if you let her. And from what I am gathering, she is teaching me more and more about myself every day.
“Your first blog post will be bad, but your 1,000th will be great. Your first workout will be weak, but your 1,000th will be strong. Your first meditation will be scattered, but your 1,000th will be focused. Put in your reps.” -James Clear