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Your Choice Matters

To the Editor: It’s unusual for someone in California to write to a paper in Wisconsin but my vote isn’t going to count this November and yours will. So this year, you folks are making the decision for all of us.

While I won’t try to tell you who to vote for, I will tell you how to vote: wisely and soberly. Imagine you are on a jury and you have been entrusted with the awesome responsibility of deciding whether someone lives or dies. Put aside your emotions, examine the facts and the evidence, and decide what’s best for our country and our democracy.

And, please, vote. Don’t leave your ballot blank or write in George Washington as your choice for president. As a conservative myself, I know that many of you will not be happy with either of your choices. But those are the choices we have and it’s no exaggeration to say that the fate of the Republic is on your shoulders. So please don’t throw your vote away. I know it’s a lot of responsibility, but all the rest of us who don’t live in swing states like Wisconsin are counting on you.

Chris Truax San Diego, CA

Truth and Wisdom in Our Choices

To the Editor: It’s always been appreciated when local papers have published my ‘two-cents worth’ when the next political season comes around. But this time, instead of endorsing a specific candidate or party (though like most, I have my ‘leanings’), my purpose is to simply challenge people to carefully and honestly look at not only where we are during this time in history, but to also look back at where we have evolved from as a country. Being in the stage of life I’m presently at, my hope is that prayerfully my humble perspective will shed some light on what people need to consider when deciding on who our future leaders will be, as well as what policies would best benefit our country while applying our God-given Constitution.

This letter does not pound talking points in support of this or that candidate or party but shares my belief that the best and wisest thing to do is challenge people to approach this upcoming election by taking the time to do a little extra research into a variety of news sources from BOTH sides. Let us all strive to be open-minded, honest, and humble enough to set aside predetermined beliefs and biases to see what it is the respective candidates and parties really stand for and have to offer. This can be a tough thing to do, but possible! (Hey, I have voted for candidates in the past where I now look back and say: “What was I thinking!”).

Most would agree that the technologies of today (especially ‘social media’) have been a major factor as to what drives people’s worldview. Because we can bring virtually anything into our lives and living rooms, it has for good or bad, been a major influence as to how we operate, whether it be in thought, word, or deed. Without belaboring the point, it’s safe to say that where a person gets their information directly determines their own social, economic, and political leanings. And with such a glut of offerings in our world today, it’s only natural that we will have beliefs and opinions that clash and contradict with others, often resulting in division among friend and foe alike!

My thoughts are rooted in the belief that there IS such a thing as ‘truth’. People are frustrated with the belief (realization?) that ‘lying’ is so prevalent in our world today. And, yes, by ALL sides. We have heard it being explained away as ‘fake news’, ‘dis’- and ‘misinformation’, etc., but the fact is, it is a problem that greatly affects how we are able to fully function as individuals, families, and a nation. For citizens not to be able to fully access all the facts about any person, current event, and/or issue is one of the greatest hindrances to our citizens for being able to make the best choices for our great country. That is why people need to do their homework by listening, reading, and then comparing and contrasting the information being shared by as many news and information outlets they can possibly access; all while praying for wisdom! While Jesus Christ called the devil ‘the father of lies’, (John 8:44), He called Himself: “the Truth” (John 14:6). In our search for ‘truth’, that would be a great place to start. ..And then: do your research!

Larry Lechler Abbotsford, WI The good ‘ole days of Football

To the Editor: Last Friday's football game has a lot of great moments to it, and will go down as one of the most memorable games at Hornet field that I have experienced. The most memorable would have to be the halftime ceremony held for the 1970s era Colby Hornet Football, where we got to see some players (even a cheerleader) get recognized for their storied past and how Coach Teska impacted our football program and the lives of his players. I cannot imagine that something like this happens often, or at all, at other schools, and because of that I was feeling so lucky, so grateful to have been part of the audience and part of the show behind the microphone. Thank you so much to Tim Rau for reaching out to me, trusting me to work with your words, notes, and stats for the ceremony. I didn't realize how big the moment was until I choked up reading out two lines: 'It was an era of football that will not be forgotten, and Hornet Nation, the city and town of Colby, our school district thank you all that are present with us, living, and gone, for that time you gave your all on the gridiron to show Wisconsin just what Colby football is made off.' And 'Coach Teskafor some you were the role model they needed, and for the rest, you are a man they will never forget.' To have had lived a moment in life that made such an impact on themselves and on a community, and for a man to have touched so many lives in a profound way, kind of takes your breathe away. One of the former players, Gary Sommers, said it best over the wireless microphone on the track; 'his players... came in as boys, but graduated as men.' You can watch the whole event on YouTube by searching '1970s Colby Hornet Football Team Ceremony 2024.' I encourage you to check it out.

Matt Oehmichen Colby, WI Versiti blood drive

Halloween is coming soon and the Versiti 'Vampires' will be in town Friday, October 18 at the Abbotsford City Hall. Central Fire EmS will be sponsoring this community blood drive. The hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you can't make that blood drive, I would be thrilled to have you come to the Colby community blood drive on Friday, Nov. 1 at the Colby VFW. Those hours will be 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you donate whole blood on November 1st, you will be eligible to donate either January 17th or 18th at the Grant Smazal memorial blood drive.

Wherever you choose to donate, your donation will be greatly appreciated. Every donation is important, especially to the families in need. Please sign up today. Appointments are highly encouraged. Call 877-232-4376 today to reserve a spot.

Thank you.

Lin Mueller Colby Community Blood Drive Coordinator