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Many on the Right espouse that their First Amendment rights are under attack. But what about my Freedom of Speech rights? My rights have been under attack multiple times in just the last week. And they have come from members of this community, my neighbors.

My farm shares a border with the city. I have around a dozen neighbors and for the most part have had good relations with most of them. And that's despite a few of my cows having a little nite on the town once or twice.

There is a corner of my hay field that has a clear view to the city street and I thought that this would be a good place that I could support my candidates for the upcoming election. A sign was put up. My neighbor, for whatever reason, decided to place a larger sign directly in front of my sign, on his property, in an attempt to block my sign from view of the city street. A little sign competition ensued and I was not to be out done! Like many farmers, I use what I have, and I have round bales wrapped in white plastic. These work great to paint on and the plastic will eventually be disposed of. I bought a few cans of paint and some tape and went to work under a hot sun painting seven bales with letters and an American flag.

On Sunday morning around 9:30 the bales were loaded up, taken to the field, and set in place. As I was finishing up, I noticed a man on a four wheeler, on the street, who clearly had something to say. I turned off the skidsteer and stood up to see what he wanted. He stated that this was all a bit childish, all this sign business, my neighbor and me. I responded 'My inner child is having fun.' It was becoming evident to me that this man was more upset about my chosen candidates than the actual sign war with my neighbor and I asked if he was a Trumper. To my surprise he claimed he didn't vote and that they're all crooks. I told him he was part of the problem, meaning that not participating in the political process is not being a part of the solution. I was going to end the conversation right there because I won't argue with someone who complains but does nothing about it. But he went on. And he asked about why I support Harris and complained about the economy. I told him that the US led the world in the economic recovery from the pandemic. He scoffed and implied that that wasn't good enough. I told him 'Then blame the billionaires.' By now he is getting angry and claimed that Harris was a billionaire (she's not). I reminded him that she was born middle class (unlike the self proclaimed billionaire Trump). He said 'But she went to Harvard!' At that point I was like, so what? and again was about to sit down when he started yelling, 'She’s not black!' multiple times. This is exactly the racist argument Trump has made. I told him he was a racist and started going about my business and he started to drive away. But he wasn't done, he turned around and questioned if I was the landowner, and then threatened me with a warning, something to the effect of you better watch out.

The next morning my sign was destroyed. The police were called. I was told it would be unlikely the perpetrator would be caught, but if they were, did I want to press charges? I replied 'no.' I am not interested in vengeance, the value of the damage is minimal and I feel a visit from the deputy would be enough.

The man on the four wheeler was located by the Clark County Sheriff's department, rather quickly I might add. He denied being involved in the vandalism and claimed he was 'out of town' at the time.

I know when the election is over, and this newspaper prints the final numbers, the majority of voters in this community will vote for Trump and the Republicans on the ballot. For those who read this and still vote Republican, know this, there are no less than two people in this neighborhood, who have infringed on mine and others, First Amendment rights in the name of Trump. You are voting in support of this behavior. Trump is not going to denounce this behavior. He encourages it, just as he did on January 6th, 2021. He encouraged an angry mob to attack and then did nothing to stop it for three hours. You can tell yourself what happened to me is just a one-off and that you condemn this behavior. But remember, this started with my neighbor trying to diminish my voice by intentionally blocking my sign and ended with a very angry member of this community taking a knife and violently slashing six bales, front to back, in an effort to silence and intimidate me. The Trump signs were not damaged. And this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened. A few weeks ago, just up the road to the north, more signs, in support of Vice-President Harris were vandalized. Where will this end? Property damage of significant value? Someone gets hurt? Killed? We watched it live on TV, perpetrated by people, not unlike those in my neighborhood, on January 6th and it is happening here and now and in small towns like ours across the country. This will not end until Trump and the maga movement are reduced to an insignificant force at every level of government.

Be a part of the solution, not the problem. Join the Republicans that have put Country over Party. Vote for the Democrats down ballot. Only then can you begin to rebuild a Republican party worthy of this Great Nation.

Ron Gutenberger Colby