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Ramblings of my mind

Ramblings of my mind Ramblings of my mind


I have been making a lot of little notes to myself lately. Little post-it notes all around. Not in a particular place, drawers, on monitors, or just strewn on my desk at random spots. There is a method to my madness, only maybe I can decipher, but a method nonetheless. On all these notes, I can assure you are little messages, or a name of a person I should look up because in the midst of a task or speaking to another human, I will need to jot my extra (usually referred to a flavor thought in my world) thought down somewhere. When I was younger, I found no better place than on my skin.

Yes, I did draw on myself when I was younger and still do sometimes now but that is Henna tattooing totally reasonable and different. As for the pen and marker on my skin, it was easier to carry around a singular pen then a piece of paper and a pen. But alas the skin cannot hold my millions of thoughts like a rolodex. It is just merely skin, on my body, that should be left for tattoos (Henna or the real deal) or for the sun to gaze at and make darker. Anywho, back to the little notes.

Are you one that likes to make little reminders for yourself? Do you leave post-it notes around your house for yourself? Or are the little notes in your phone, in your photos as memes? A far amount of mine are in my phone as well, but those are the ones that I have read and would like to refer back to, or funny ones that I can send to a friend at the right moment.

There is one that always makes me smile or chuckle when I read it and I will share it with you now, “had about 9 cups of coffee today and now I can see inside out through time. Don’t have any blood left. Just Vibration. Going to alphabetize the alphabet (it’s all wrong. Will explain later) then going to fight the moon. Good night and good morning and thanks.” It’s chaotic and honestly that sometimes really sums up my brain. I don’t think I have allowed myself to consume nine cups of coffee since my barista days but I can imagine I have come close on some days though.

The notes aren’t all funny, mostly inspirational to keep my attitude a positive one. It is far too easy to slide into negative thoughts, habits, mindsets and stay there and even more tough to get out. So, as I scroll through Instagram or Facebook to take little mental breaks from my own thousands of thoughts, I find some really solid gold memes, or “notes to my inner self,” as I like to call them, and save them for future perusal.

One of my favorites right now that is definitely helpful as a pick-me-up: “In a couple of years, it won’t even matter how long it took. You’ll just be glad you took a chance on yourself and didn’t give up.