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Dystopian AI? Oh…

Dystopian AI? Oh… Dystopian AI? Oh…

I watched the movie Atlas, starring the beautiful and talented Jennifer Lopez last night. For those of you who have watched the dystopian, action packed, AI-infused movie should remember the crux of the moment that made Atlas who she was. For those that haven’t yet seen the Brad Peyton film I won’t spoil it for you, since I enjoyed it and you might as well. I can, however, explain why I am telling you about my night. First the backdrop of the movie. I won’t go into too much detail. J.Lo (Jennifer Lopez) is a counterterrorism analyst who holds a very high dislike for artificial intelligence, while her counterparts (the rest of her world) adapt and welcome AI, using it everywhere and even have it neurally linked with arc suits. Onto the part that isn’t talking about Atlas and J.Lo.

I have been also trying to make it a habit to read a little tech news in the wee hours of the morning when I get up. It is a newer endeavor I have casted upon myself to be more in the know of my future, the tech world. That and working out. If only there was someway to neurally link with this news, just kidding. I don’t know how I feel about that. So many possibilities for improvements, but so many possibilities for danger and well…. watch the movie for some examples. This brings me to my point.

During my morning read of said newest tech news on, I saw, “California legislators are set to vote on a bill as soon as this week that would broadly regulate how artificial intelligence is developed and deployed in California even as a number of tech giants have voiced broad opposition.” It was posted this morning - August 21 - 5:14 a.m. This caught my eye. Why is it not broadly regulated already? I understand having rules and laws sometimes takes the creativity out of a project (like the color out of art), but when it comes to artificially made technology we SHOULD have regulations. From my standpoint as an aspiring cyber analyst, who is miles and miles deep in the world, simple code is far too often written with security risks, which are exploited by malicious black hats (bad hackers) and cyber terrorists to infiltrate (hack) systems.

This bill wouldn’t exactly make all the deep fakes and AI-generated photos stop, since they would still be created from such individuals and/or those who have no concept of said laws and regulations, but I believe it would create a better future for structure and teaching upcoming and influential code newbies (age range variable). To give them a way to learn code and program with safety precautions and procedures in mind.

In Atlas, the dystopian future was bleak and overrun. Somehow I wish our world was a movie, with a utopian future. People doing what is right and good, not only for themselves but good for all. Truly. With peace and harmony. Not so much chaos and disruption. As for the regulations and AI… it makes me hope that we just do it right the first time around. And for the code not to break.