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Paging Through H

Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, January 15, 1953

Royal Neighbors install officers Thursday Mrs. Elmer Schraufnagel was installed as oracle at the meeting of the Royal Neighbors, held Thursday evening in their lodge rooms.

Other officers are Mrs. Mae Rilling, past oracle; Mrs. Irene Nelson, vice oracle; Mrs. Stella Brady, chancellor; Mrs. De Etta Hoffman, recorder; Mrs. Edith Earl, receiver; Mrs. Lillian Lieders, marshal; Miss Althea Rilling, assistant marshal; Mrs.

Dolly Bates, inner sentinel; Mrs.

Grace Haack, outer sentinel; Mrs.

Cathryn Brunkhorst, manager for three years; Mrs. Florence Laabs, musician; Mrs. Mame Emling, Faith; Mrs.

Cathryn Brunkhorst, Courage; Mrs. Helen Lapp, Modesty; Mrs.

Evelyn Olsen, Unselfishness; Mrs. Norma Johnson, Endurance and Mrs. Mae Rilling, flag bearer.

Mrs. Myrtle Fults acted as installing officer and Mrs. Dolly Bates as ceremonial marshal. The hostesses for this meeting were Mmes. Emling, Lapp and Bates. Hostesses for the February meeting will be Mmes. Walter Fults, Charles Hoffman and C.J. Klieforth.

Sportsmen want members At a meeting of the Abbotsford’s Sportsmen’s Club held Thursday evening at the armory club rooms, election of officers was held and a membership driver was launched. Membership cards can be secured from any of the officers or members.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, January 11, 1973

Sno-Drifters purchase snowmobile ambulance A benefit dance will be held Saturday, Feb. 17 at the Abbotsford City Hall with proceeds to be used to help pay for a new emergency snowmobile ambulance recently used by the Abby Sno-Drifters Club.

Donations now can be made to any member of the Abby Sno-Drifters Club towards the ambulance which cost $428.

The snowmobile ambulance will be housed in the fire department building and manned by the fire department as well as members of the club.

The ambulance will be available for use for surrounding communities and will be available for all sorts of emergencies, not just those involving snowmobilers.

In other action, the club sent three persons, Del Zwirchitz, Jerry Kollath and Hilarian Michlig to Eau Claire where they completed a course in becoming certified instructors for persons under 16 who, starting next year, will be required to have a license to operate a snowmobile.

City team loses to Marshfield The Abbotsford city basketball team, despite a good third quarter comeback, lost to Spike’s of Marshfield 98-90 on Sunday night. The loss pushed Abby into third place with a 3-2 record while Neillsville leads the league with a 5-0 mark followed by Spike’s with a 4-1 record.