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Seeking W

Seeking  W Seeking  W

The week in between Christmas and the new year... it’s as if the world stands in this limbo, where everyone who celebrates the holidays feel almost in a trance. I am not sure if it is all the food comas or just all the stress that has been stored in body for the last nine-ten months finally releasing making one feel not all there. Should one be working in this condition? Probably not but, unfortunately our society has been conditioned to believe and reward those who are overworkers. They pride themselves on how many hours that they don’t get at night, just to tell their colleagues that they have had less sleep than the other but still have x, y and z to get done. The comparison mentality.

I try to stay out of that lane as much as possible and give myself ample time to recharge, decompress, realign, and breath but even I get caught up in that wonderful mentality from time to time. Overworked... it is hard to not feel somewhat run down from time to time when taking on learning new concepts and components to starting a small business while working a full time job. I have to remind myself that one step is better than nothing and one day, if I am patient enough, I will reap the rewards I am sowing now. The late nights, the blurry eyes, the cursor blinking... waiting for my entry, for a command, for a line of code to be written...

Yesterday, I started and finished a book on Running A Web Design Business From Home by Rob Cubbon, that I received as a Christmas present. It was very insightful of different parts of a web design business but also how to be a better web developer. Cubbon spoke very highly in blogging and how that aided in his path to become where he is at today in his field. I found a commonality between him and myself as we both like to write. I can consider this almost a blog of some sort, just in newsprint form. Writing helps to percolate and form ideas that can turn into bigger and bolder ideas. I know in this case, once I start writing about a certain subject that I find interest in, it is hard to stop. Little nuances here and there steamroll in my brain and cause all the other ideas to run screaming, hoping to not end up entangled with the rest. However, those are when happy accidents happen and something great comes out in the long run.

Rob also mentioned that you need a healthy balance in work and life to achieve what you want. I will stick to a quote he mentioned and see where it takes me... “The key to being proactive is remembering that between stimulus and response there is a space. That space represents our choice. How we will choose to respond to any given situation, person, thought or event. Imagine a pause button between stimulus and response, a button you can engage to pause and think.” - Steven Convey
