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The “figure it out” club

The “figure it out” club The “figure it out” club

BAM! I jump awake asking, “What was that?” Startled I get out of bed to find that a couple of cables were pulled vigorously off of the siding and are now laying on the snow outside... I throw on some warmer clothes to go investigate, as it is close to six o’clock in the morning. I donned a hat, coat, mittens and obviously a warm jacket and then I start my trek. After the first step outside, my eyes spot several downed tree limbs and branches and most of the bigger ones were on the street. My thoughts: “I can’t just let them lay there, but I have to go look at the cables that were ripped off the house. These can wait.”

I trudge around to the back of the house and spot them. Another huge branch down and it landed right on top of these cables... Great. I investigate the cables closer and on inspection I see that one is only connected by one measly wire! “Oh crap!” Thoughts are racing in my head. Looks dangerous. I think to myself, “I shouldn’t touch the tree and call the power company. Somehow we still have power. How? It’s only hanging on by a literal thread.”

I take a couple of breaths and close my eyes. Internal focus. I make a plan of action. I can’t do anything to the cables so I must go out front and deal with the branches there. Two or three of them were easy enough to move into my front yard, but that huge one on the corner, that would take some brute strength.

I assessed the massive limb, fetched my machete and got to work. “If I just start taking away the smaller branches, it will make it easier to move. I have to get this thing out of the middle of the road for the plow truck and other cars to pass.” Minutes add up and I feel like a damn lumberjack. All smaller limbs off that I could get and now for the fun part, moving this sucker. I check the bottom of my boots to make sure the removable spikes aren’t slipping, they are good. I go grab a tow strap and loop it around the branch on one end and the other around my waist. I dig in my spikes to get leverage, move my body to get comfortable, then I heave! Heaveho... It’s moving. I had a bit of a hard time when the branch met the curb, but I got it! The road is cleared.

I felt so good in that moment. Something that could have really screwed up my day did the opposite. Now, did I still have to worry about the cables in the back, yes, but I was able to make my road accessible again. As I was walking back to my house and got closer, I look up at the branches to find another massive branch extending over the driveway and garage, which has a huge crack in the middle that I can easily see through. Another, “Oh crap!” moment, but I got my wits about me; all I have to do is keep calm and figure it out!


