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Paging Through H

Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, December 11, 1952

State Superintendent to speak at dedication of new gymnasium The new gymnasium will be formally dedicated Saturday evening, Dec. 13. This will be the opportune time for all who have not seen the new addition to go through this fine building, as open house will be held after the program.

The building, 97 by 117 feet, includes a gymnasium which seats over 1,000 persons, kitchen, dining room, classroom and locker facilities. It is constructed of cinder blocks with a brick facing.

The program is scheduled to start at 8 o’clock and will open with a concert by the high school band and the singing of the Star Spangled Banner by the audience. The Rev. Richard Harrison will give the invocation. The featured speaker of the evening will be George E. Watson, state superintendent of public instruction. Representatives of the various school and civic groups will also speak and will include: Louis Janda, student council, C.T. Dolan, alumni, Mrs. Bernice Harris, faculty, Walter Jackson, board of education, Jack Nikolay, chamber of commerce and George Vetter, village board.

The high school chorus will sing two selections, the Rev. Harrison will give the benediction and closing announcements will be made by Principal Herbert Juneau.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, December 7, 1972

Taverns can open Sundays The Abbotsford Common Council voted to repeal a 38-year-old ordinance Monday night which required Sunday morning tavern closing. The repealer will allow all business establishments in Abbotsford with Class B combination malt liquor licenses to be open for business all day Sunday.

The present ordinance, adopted on June 20, 1934, had no penalty provision but did limit the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The new rule will go into effect after a repealer ordinance is adopted. All operators with a Class B license were to be notified by Henry Weix, city clerk. City Attorney Frank Nikolay was instructed to prepare the necessary repealer ordinance.

Other business: Councilmen approved the sale of the old White House building in Abbotsford to the TP Printing Co. which is expected to begin operating in the building at the end of this month.

Building permits issued included one to Kramer’s IGA, Abbotsford for an addition to the store. The building permit indicated the addition would cost $50,000.

Another building permit was issued to the TP Printing Co., Abbotsford, for repairs to the White House expected to cost $13,000.

Councilmen warned citizens that anyone who does not follow the directions of the dump attendant as to where garbage is to disposed, will be fined.