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Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, December 4, 1952

Deer Hunters Back Home Many of the deer hunters felt they had had very unfavorable hunting conditions this year, both as to weather and amount of game. There are also reports of unsportsmanlike hunters.

A hunter downed his deer and before hi could fix his tag, two other hunters had taken possession. One deer was shot in legal territory and it bounded off to the sanctuary of forest reserves.

Still another party had a deer tied to their car, ready to depart, but hopefully made one more drive through the woods, with no further success. When they returned to their car, they found the deer they were sure of had vanished. There are some who did bring home their kill.

One of the best percentages this year was four bucks by a party of five which included Lowell Dorn, Walter Hopperdietzel, Dick Nikolai, his brother, Clarence, of Stratford and their father, also of Stratford. They hunted near Neillsville.

Hunting near Willow Springs, was the Sebold party: Joe Sebold and sons, Francis and Bob, Louis Sebold and son, Russell and Nic Schommer. Guy Crane, of Oshkosh, brother-inlaw of Louis Sebold, was with them for a day. They brought two bucks back home. Darrell Bobbe got a ten point buck east of Fifield. With him were Donald Ingersoll, Robert Bogaard and Jim Neitzel.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, November 30, 1972

Tax rate to drop For the second consecutive year, the tax rate in the city of Abbotsford will drop.

Councilmen, at a special public hearing Monday evening regarding the 1973 budget, adopted the new package which will call for a budget of $180,000 of which $90,000 must be raised by taxation. Henry Weix, city clerk, said that for Clark County homeowners in Abbotsford, the proposed tax rate was set at $39.01 per $1,000 assessed valuation although this excludes any state credit which will drop that amount approximately another $4.

This year, the tax rate was set at $40.96 although tax credit dropped the amount to $36.77.

For Marathon County homeowners in Abbotsford, the proposed 1973 tax rate is $40.85 per $1,000 of assessed valuation although this also excludes the state tax credit. This year, the rate was set at $42.64 although state credit dropped that figure to $38.35.

Weix added that at present, Marathon Countyhomeownersareassessed at 75.30 percent of their equalized valuation while in Clark County, the assessment is 81.16 percent of equalized valuation. This year, the city received $70,709 in tax reapportionment and that figure is expected to increase by about 10 percent for 1973.

The present city budget is $129,600 of which $80,000 was raised this year by taxation.