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It’s turkey time

It’s turkey time It’s turkey time

Have you ever wondered who those people were, who had the pleasure of being off of work for the complete week of Thanksgiving and Christmas? I guess I only remember seeing extended families all together for a length of days in the movies. Maybe some envy is felt in my young heart. If only that were to be the case. Extended families on both sides all around, enjoying the company and playing games. I miss those days of Thanksgivings of my youth. I seem to hold onto those memories so tightly because that was when times were most happiest in our family. Everyone put their differences aside and ate, shared and communed with their big family. No fighting or bickering; just uncles watching football, me eating most all of the pistachios (shh... don’t tell...), the feast, my aunt falling asleep after cleanup with the red blanket (no other would fit in my aunts world of comfort, than the red blanket) and the kids playing Hand-Hockey upstairs - one of the most fun made up games ever!

Ok, this is an aside note on how to play: To play HandHockey all you need is tinfoil made into a hockey puck-like shape, a hallway (or if you have a larger space, something, such as pillows, to narrow the playing field down), possible doorways at the end, and two willing participants to play (you can have more if your playing field is larger). If you play in a hallway (preferably carpeted) one end is a goal area, distinguish a marker (such as a door) and the other end, the other goal area. The same concept for a larger playing field. Just picture a soccer field (two doorways on opposite ends of each other work perfectly). The opponent’s face off with the signature hockey stick move on the count of three with one cupped hand and the other hand behind your back (that remains for the entirety of the game), then you’re off playing. The object is to send the homemade tinfoil puck into the opponent’s goal area. One point. You may never pick up the puck with your fingers, your hand should always be in a cupped fashion; you may block the puck with the cup hand but never catch it. If you hit the opponent in the face with the puck you lose one point. Get to 5 or 10, or whichever number you both agree on and ta-da, you win game. This is what happens when kids are left to their “own devices.” Funny how that means something totally different nowadays. Now back to your originally scheduled program.

So, whether you have a couple of days, a week, or just Thanksgiving off, have a Merry Thanksgiving with your family, friends and all. Give thanks for the things you have in your life. Show gratitude and love all. For we are all just beings who want to be loved.


