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Save time for reflection

Save time for reflection Save time for reflection

“I’m very concerned that our society is much more interested in information than wonder, in noise rather than silence....How do we encourage reflection?” - Fred Rogers I heard these words as I was scrolling on a good ‘ole social media platform and it made me stop what I was doing. Not only was it a voice that I remember listening to as a kid on how to act and how to use my imagination to make a world so perfect for me, I could see it was Mr. Rogers bringing up a topic that initiated my philosophical self once again.

I agree with what Mr. Rogers says. I am also concerned with our society being much more interested in information, with the accessibility to the internet and computers at our finger tips, at any given moment. Knowledge is power, yes, and knowledge is information, again yes; however, where does that leave room for reflection and introspection. To truly connect with someone and to talk, not just to answer, but actually listen and have a conversation about wonder and awe inspiring ideas, scenes, dreams, etc.

It’s almost as if society is trying to compete with the technological advancements by garbling all the information they can find, some of it not even true.

Information is just that, information - a collection of knowledge from studying and or instruction, via Merriam- Webster dictionary.

Who is instructing us to think this way? They say society, but who in fact is society and why are we always having to follow along blindly? I definitely stick out of the societal norms and proud of it. Knowledge is something I strive for, however, communication with my surrounding world opens my life up to wonder, astonishment and awe. And maybe a part of that is I had Mr. Rogers as someone who inspired using the creativity and wonderment around me to carve out my life, instead of just receiving knowledge. After all we are not just bits of metal, wires and empty shells. We are organic life, not some A.I. programmed to spew out information left and right.

I see that there are more people out there using their voice to change the societal norms by speaking up about mental health, meditation and the like. There might just be hope to be invigorated by wonder instead of information. To use that imagination from the information of yours and spark some wonder in a passersby. We should all take time to balance out and marvel at the beauty that is all around us. Do some reflection on your life. Remember those moments, even days of you being totally enthralled in wonder and marvel. Doing so, you just might find more.


