Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, November 13, 1952
Legion auxiliary members pack gifts for veterans The Auxiliary to the American Legion, Hanson-Terrio Post No. 139, packed and sent its annual box of Christmas gifts for veterans, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jake Nikolay.
These gifts are sent to the gift shop at Wood and are distributed to the Waukesha and Madison units.
The hospitalized veterans are permitted to make their selection, free of charge, for wife and children, as well as for himself. To those who are unable to get to the gift shop, a tray of gifts is brought to his bedside. After he makes his choice, the packages are wrapped and sent to his family for him.
The items the local auxiliary has given were on display at the Northern States Power Company office window and contained beautiful and practical gifts.
Included were two pairs of hand embroidered pillow cases with crocheted edges, made by the members, two magic skin dolls, with hand knit clothing, also made by a member.
Other gifts were – for father, eight pair of men’s socks, two scarfs; for boys and girls, ages 13 to 18, two pair of mittens, two pair of socks, two billfolds, three head scarfs; for boys and girls one to five years old, seven pair of socks, one pair of bib overalls, five polo shirts, two dolls, two bonnets, one purse; for boys and girls five to 12 years old, eight pairs of socks, two pairs of mittens.
The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, November 9, 1972
Ground breaking set for nursing home Ground breaking ceremonies were set for 1 p.m. Thursday for the new 60-bed nursing home in Abbotsford to be located on the east side of the city on Fifth St. near the Abbotsford Clinic.
Mayor Steve Bezak, council members and other key persons connected with getting the building in Abbotsford are expected to participate in this afternoon’s ceremonies. The building, expected to cost $600,000, will be built by Connery Construc tion Co., Madison and managed by Continental Manors (CM) corporation of Sioux City, Iowa. CM will operate the home for a period of 22 years or until the revenue bonds are paid off. The home and original equipment will be owned by the City of Abbotsford. Financing of the project is under a formula of revenue bonds and general obligation notes born by the city.
The bonds and notes, which mature in 22 years, are $615,000 in revenue bonds at six and three fourths per cent interest and $150,000 in general obligation notes at five and one half percent interest.
The project, including equipment for the building, is estimated at $605,800. However, bonds in the total of $765,000 will be issued for the project.
The CM Corporation has agreed to pay the city $500 per month in lieu of taxes on the structure.