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To the Editor, Nationally ….

To the Editor, Nationally sixty percent of Republican candidates are election deniers.This includes our candidates for Governor, Senator, and Congressman as well State Representatives. A similar percentage of Republican voters don’t accept the results of the 2020 Presidential election or at the very least have their suspicions. All this despite Trump’s AG saying that Trump’s election lies are “bulls---”. Despite Trump’s DHS saying it was the most secure election in history. Despite Trump taking his claims to court 61 times and losing 60 times. Even the Supreme Court refused to hear his case. And despite all the evidence put forth by the January 6th Committee. Elections are the foundation of democracy. We have been having elections in this country longer than we’ve had a country. I think it is safe to say that we’ve got this figured out. There were a handful of voters who tried to vote twice, but the system works just fine and these cheaters were caught. A Trump supporter in Pennsylvania told the judge, “I listened to too much propaganda,” aka right-wing news.

What are these candidates saying when they seek to undermine elections? When they push to tighten voting laws like ID requirements and restrict access by limiting drop boxes and mail in ballots? Why are Republicans afraid of the voter? Why are Republicans opposed to so many issues that a majority of Americans support? Issues like sensible gun safety, affordable health care and prescription drugs, voter rights and more? What does it say when they don’t respect the results of an election?

It says that they don’t support a constitutional republic, they don’t support a representative democracy, that they don’t care about your voice. They don’t want to be your representative, they want to be your ruler. If they didn’t respect the results of the last election, then they don’t respect you.

Senator Johnson had in his hands a list of alternate electors that was supposed to be handed to V.P. Pence. He was set to object to the count on January 6th but changed his position after being run out of the Senate by his fans. Congressman Tiffany did however object, sighting frivolous reasons that were tried in court and thrown out. State Republicans in Madison met secretly in the Capital to draw up this list of alternate electors. State Republicans representatives in Madison, upon losing the Governorship in 2018, acted quickly to limit the power of the incoming Governor. Effectively saying that they don’t respect the voters of Wisconsin. After the 2020 election Republicans in Clark County thought it prudent to conduct an audit of their own. Really? Did they really think that the voters and the poll workers are so corrupt and inept that they needed to conduct an audit? An election that was largely predictable and mostly favorable to them. These people don’t trust the friends, family, and neighbors that vote in and conduct our local elections, and now we should trust them? I wouldn’t trust them with dog-catcher. It’s not the voters that can’t be trusted, it’s these politicians. Judging by what I see on my TV, Johnson is spending big bucks on his campaign, while I have seen nothing on Tiffany. His seat has been mostly secured thanks to gerrymandering in this state. Democratic candidates in Wisconsin pick up more votes than the Republicans, but pick up fewer seats, allowing Republicans to draw up district boundaries. Gerrymandering is politicians picking voters, not voters picking politicians and should be illegal across the U.S.

As I see it there are three types of Republican voters in this community. First, we have the believers. They believe Trump won the election and pretty much believe he can do no wrong. There is nothing I can say to convince them otherwise. Some of these people are easy to spot. Just drive around a little bit and look for the Trump signs, I have two within a half a mile. And like rats, if you see one you know there’s plenty more.

Next is the Liz Cheney voter. Someone who sees Trump for what he is and puts country over party. And like Cheney, there’s not many at all. What we’re left with is the voter that knows Trump lost but has been convinced that the Democrats are a serious problem and that this state and this country would be better off if Democrats were a minority party and ineffective. Of course, what you would be dreaming about is an autocracy. You know, like China or Russia.

Trump lost. And what happened on January 6th was not a crowd out of control, but part of a bigger plan months in the making, involving Republican operatives up and down on the political spectrum, and the ensuing riot was the last act of a desperate man trying to hold on to power. And all our Republican candidates deny this in some form or degree.

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