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Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, October 30, 1952

Nine girl scouts pass their tenderfoot requirements The investiture of nine girl scouts into the Girl Scout troop No. 58, was held Tuesday evening at the Girl Scout room in the grade school. Parents and friends attended the ceremony during which each girl gave the scout promise and received her pin, having completed tenderfoot requirements.

The nine girls, all dressed alike in the official Girl Scout uniform, included Kay Bobbe, Darlene Hitchins, Susan Juneau, Rae Jean Leichtnam, Ruth Leonard, Marion Seidel, Ann Vogler, Joan Wellder and Cathy Zink.

Other Girl Scouts participating in the program were Carol Amacher, Sandra Mueller, Barbara Pittsley, Connie and Sharon Weller, Janice Waldhart and Senior Scouts, Bernice Kalepp and Ann Janda.

Mrs. M. C. Thompson, leader was assisted at the investiture by Mrs. Jack Nikolay, of the troop committee, and Miss Minnie Schueler, accompanist. Refreshments were prepared by other members of the troop committee members, G. G. Shields, Howard Bobbe and R. J. Janda. The older members of the troop acted as hostesses to parents and new members.

Abbotsford to have motel Work has begun Wednesday morning on a motel, to be located in Abbotsford. William Tews, Antigo, purchased adjoining lots from Dick Bremer and the village of Abbotsford on Highway 13, which will give a 162-foot frontage for the 12-unit motel.

The Tribune-P honograph Published in Colby Thursday, October 26, 1972

Time change causes early darkness Wisconsin falls back into standard time at 2 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 29, and motorists are urged to watch for unaccustomed early darkness in the process.

Traffic accidents go up as the sun goes down, according to the American Automobile Association. In fact Earl Wiehl, Wisconsin AAA assistant safety director, said the nighttime traffic death rate is two and a half times that of the daytime rate.

Wiehl offers some pointers to keep in mind while driving during the first few days of the changeover, especially for motorists commuting during urban rush hours: -- Reduce driving speed (never overdrive your headlight beams), and increase following distance.

-- Be especially aware of pedestrians, particularly those wearing dark clothing which is difficult to see in artificial light.

-- Don’t look directly into glaring headlights; instead, focus your center vision on the right edge of your traffic lane and keep oncoming headlights in your side vision.

-- Make sure your car is in good condition. Headlights and windshields should be clean to provide maximum visibility. Taillights, turn signals and high and low beams should be in top working order.

-- Driving in darkness fatigues the eyes, so try to relax them before going home if they’ve been under strain already.