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Paging Through H

Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, October 16, 1952

Music Club Elects Officers The Abbotsford Music Study and Choral Club held its organizational meeting Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. H. T. Ketcham.

Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. J. F. Sampson, president, Mrs. R. J. Janda, secretary and Mrs. M. N. Hutt, treasurer.

Routine business was transacted and the observance of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Edward Mac Dowell, wife of the famous composer on Nov. 22 was discussed. State maintains fine fire protection record in 1951 Forest fire losses in the state of Wisconsinwereheldto2,266acresin 1951, according to a report released this week by American Forest Products Industries. A total of 505 fires were reported last year, compared to 736 in 1950, when 2511 acres were burned. Careless smokers started 154 fires and debris burners 119.

Tractor Drivers Warned The safety division of the Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Department has called upon farm tractor operators to make sure they are not violating state laws governing after dark operation on public highways.

R.C. Salisbury, division director, explains that it is unlawful and extremely dangerous to driver a farm tractor or other self propelled farm equipment on the highway after dark without the benefit of two good headlights.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, October 12, 1972

Consultants view grade school Representatives from two municipal financial consulting firms appeared before the Colby Board of Education Monday night, and presented their firm’s proposal for handling the school district’s proposed referendum for a building program.

Kingsley Forness representing the Springstead Company appeared first and he was followed by Laurance Shaughnessy of Shaughnessy and Company. The board took no action following the presentations, but is studying the presentations of the four firms that have appeared and made presentations on the various methods of financing the costs of a building program. These presentations occupied the major portion of the meeting. In other action, a committee composed of R. Neal Melvin, George Kadonsky, Merlin Kilty and Earl Boss was appointed to work out a proposal for a garage at the Unity School Building. Currently no storage exists for the district-owned truck as well as lawn mowing equipment and various other pieces of equipment needed at the school. Several different proposals have been presented for consideration and the committee will review these various plans and determine the most appropriate one for the Unity School.

They also approved an increase in pay to the drivers of athletic buses, both team and spectator, to $10 per trip from $9 per trip.