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Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, October 9, 1952

Bleacher Ticket Sale is Launched at Meeting An advance sale of tickets for home basketball games at the new school gymnasium was launched at a meeting of the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Wednesday evening.

Don Armstrong, chairman of the committee, explained that in order to raise funds, now, for the purchase of bleachers, it was decided to sell the tickets. Each ticket, which costs $10.00, is good for 20 admissions to home basketball games which makes the admission for each game only 50 cents.

The tickets are good for two years, the 1952-53 and the 1953-54 season and may be used by any member of the family of the holder and will admit any number accompanying him until all 20 numbers on the ticket have been punched out.

The new bleachers will be a rollaway type, which will make it possible to clear the floor easily for other activities.

People are urged to buy season tickets now, which will give them a bargain in basketball enjoyment and make possible the installation of fine bleachers for the beautiful new gym.

Tickets are available from any member of the Chamber of Commerce and at the high school from Principal Herbert Juneau.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, October 5, 1972

Colby, Abby, Spencer may merge Abbotsford, Colby and Spencer merged into one school district. This is one of many recommendations in a recently conducted study of tentative long range plans for improving education in Cooperative Education Service Agency (CESA) No. 6 headquartered in Chippewa Falls. Under this plan, 23 of the 25 school districts would be merged into ten adequate and effective administrative units. Two districts, Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire, would not be changed under this plan. The number of districts in CESA 6 would be reduced by over 50 percent to 12. According to the 38-page report released at a CESA 6 meeting in Thorp on Thursday, Sept. 28, Abbotsford, Colby and Spencer would have a combined area of 251 square miles; using the 1971-72 enrollment figures of each district, combining the schools would provide for an estimated enrollment of K-8 of 2,073, and high school of 1,005 to make a total enrollment of 3,178.

Estimated total staff members in the district would total 98.7 in K-8 and 61.4 in grades 9-12. The pupil-student ratio is estimated to be 21 for grades K-8 and 18 for 9-12. For total possible high school courses it is figured there would be 52 general and 30 vocational for a total of 82. The estimated net operating cost per pupil would be $773.

According to this report, this plan is not to be implemented within a given period of time.