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High-five yourself, bro!

High-five yourself, bro! High-five yourself, bro!

What is the first thing you do to start your day? From the moment you open your eyes; do you reach for you phone or do you take a moment to expand your lungs? I am usually flailing my arm about to shut off my alarm, wishing I could return my eyes to the closed position that they were only moments ago. To return into the dream that was a memory of lost times past.

When you get out of bed do you put your feet into fuzzy slippers, use the restroom, go make yourself a cup of coffee, then shower, get dressed for whatever the day holds ahead of you? Sounds pretty standard, right. Well, generally speaking that does sound like a standard morning; however, in those tiny moments that we don’t think about, are you setting yourself up for a win?

Do you smile at yourself when you are looking in the mirror? In the time when you are picking out your clothes, how are your thoughts about your body; are they filled with badassery and happy affirmations?

I find, in those little moments, that is how your day will be set up. If you are not thinking or speaking kindly to yourself or being hard on yourself then how do you think the rest of the day will go?

I have found some interesting readings and studies in relation to the time spent inside my own head and how I can start my morning off with good intentions and affirmations. With a bit of movement like yoga, Tai Chi or regular push-ups, kettlebell exercises, etc., mindful resting (meditation) and speaking/thinking kindly of myself shows improvements of mood overall. I also have been giving myself a high-five in the mirror every morning.

Yes, a high-five to myself in the mirror every morning (and several times after throughout the day). Mel Robbins and her book The High Five Habit explain how just this simple act can honestly change your view about yourself. How can this be, you ask.

It is rooted in science. “That’s because the high five gesture has had a lifetime of programming into your brain as being positive,” says (Mel) Robbins. “Without saying anything, a high five sends the message, ‘I believe in you. I see you. You got this.’” So, when you are looking at yourself in the mirror, what are you doing? Seeing what flaws you have and how your hair isn’t sitting just right, or maybe you are feeling shame, or just down right ignoring yourself. What if you were to be your own cheerleader, in a way. You don’t have to wear the outfit, but to see yourself as amazing as you are is something to celebrate. I implore you to look further into the high-five habit and implementing it into your life. You will see the difference if you truly do it. It might seem silly at first but after a while you might just feel better.

“It affirms and fulfills our deepest need, which is to be seen, heard, and celebrated. A high five is a transfer of energy. When times get hard, developing habits of celebrating and cheering for yourself can be huge. It’s impossible to think ‘I suck’ when you give one to yourself.” - Mel Robbins