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ABBOTSFORD T RIBUNE PUBLISHED IN ABBOTSFORD THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1952 Program Planned for Sixth Archery Tourney Sunday Preparations are almost completed for the sixth annual archery tournament of the Tri-county Archery Club, which will be held Sunday, August 24. The gathering will be held in the Andrew Bramucker woods, three miles east and a mile north of Dorchester. Because of added features, the competition will be started at noon this year. The course laid out in the virgin stand of timber has met with the approval of archers attending.

For entertainment for those participating and other visitors, there will be various concessions and a refreshment stand on the grounds. A loud speaker system will be in use for announcements and music is also planned.

Clarence Kalepp, with a score of 215, was the trophy winner last year.

Local Soldier Gets Bronze Star Medal in Korea Cpl. Kenneth W. Smith, Abbotsford, received the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service in Korea. As chief of a wire construction team, Cpl. Smith accomplished his missions under varied and adverse conditions and contributed greatly to the success of his organization in Korea. He was a pole lineman.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Abbotsford, Cpl. Smith graduated from the Owen high school and entered the army in March 1951. He left Korea on July 25, to return to the United States on rotation.

THE TRIBUNE-P HONOGRAPH PUBLISHED IN COLBY THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1972 Abby Jaycees pledge $1,000 to swimming pool The Abbotsford Jaycees have pledged $1,000 towards construction of a new swimming pool in Abbotsford. This money will be released to the Abbotsford School District when construction of the swimming pool has begun.

The Jaycees, in favor of the construction of a community swimming pool to be operated by the Abbotsford Public Schools, will make additional pledges if the pool is constructed. The Abb otsford Board of Education has established a citizenry committee which is tentatively set to meet at the next monthly meeting of the school board, September 11. This group will study the various types of pools along with the costs. In other business, the Jaycees reported that Neah Medenwaldt, Lanna, and Mrs. Margaret Nehrlich, Abbotsford, each won hind quarters of a white face steer. Front quarter winners were Nancy Wojner and Art Ramminger, both of Abbotsford.

Winers of a half hog were Mrs. Harold Mills and Erv Schilling, both of Abbotsford.

Their names were drawn Friday night during Appreciation Days in Abbotsford. The prizes were given in connection with Jaycees’ white face steer ticket drive. The proceeds are used to meet the expenses of the Jaycee sponsored recreation program in Abbotsford.