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E DITOR Disappointed but not surprised

This letter is in regard to the Marathon County board’s recent rejection of the Family Keys grant due to a small group of right wing zealots. While it is always disappointing to see elected officials voting against the best interests of their constituents, it should not be a surprise.

The conservative right has spent the last several months celebrating the Supreme Court’s recent reversal of Roe vs Wade, removing the right for women to control their own body and future, while simultaneously guaranteeing the births of millions of unwanted children.

How many times have we heard the Republican far right declare their desire for improved care for children and their mothers, yet when an opportunity presents itself to help fragmented families, they reject it. Never mind the fact the Wausau Police Department and a wide range of agencies with extensive experience in family relations supported the plan and that it was projected to save the county $168,000 over the next two years.

It seems the thought of doing anything to promote diversity, equity and inclusion and the county social services department’s efforts to keep families whole and children safe, runs counter to conservative dictums. The argument that providing a safe environment to unite families in distress would somehow erode individual freedom would be laughable if it hadn’t been made in a serious manner.

When all else fails, the far right can be counted on to tout ‘hidden agendas’ by the federal government. What hidden agenda could there possibly be by strengthening families? In any event, several members of the Marathon County Board have demonstrated gross disregard for the well-being of constituents in desperate need of help while managing to give the entire county a major black eye.

Bryce Luchterhand Unity