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ABBOTSFORD T RIBUNE PUBLISHED IN ABBOTSFORD THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1952 Object in Sky Causes Some Excitement Tuesday Considerable interest and excitement was caused here Tuesday afternoon and early evening in what turned out to be a high flying weather balloon. The supposition that it might be a flying saucer was ruled out with the aid of field glasses.

It is believed the balloon may have been one used in cosmic ray research and sent up from the Twin Cities. Remains of this type of balloon have been found in this area on previous occasions.

Dogs Must be Kept Home The village has published an ordinance relative to keeping dogs confined to the home premises from May 1 to Oct. 1. This is being disregarded to a great extent, and many dogs are roaming at will, much to the aggravation of the people who have put many hours of hard work into their gardens and now would like to harvest their vegetables and enjoy the flowers.

A second cause of complaint, especially from those who are plagued with hay fever, is the uncut weeds, which are going to seed and are being thrown about. A weed ordinance requires that noxious weeds be cut and kept under control.

Abby Wins Dairybelt Game Abbotsford played Owen in a Dairybelt league game here, under the lights, Wednesday evening, and won 8 to 7 in a 13-inning game. Schultz pitched for Abbotsford.

THE TRIBUNE-P HONOGRAPH PUBLISHED IN COLBY THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1972 Colby ‘Bad area for water’ “I think you all realize it, it’s a bad area for water,” Dave Mitten, well driller for the miller Wells & Pump Co. told the city council at its meeting Tuesday night. The company did the test hole drilling for the city.

Mitten stated, “The quality water we got out of No. 5 was not the same quality we got out of No. 9 as far as hardness goes,” Mitten said. “This is a peculiar area where you can get different quality water in a small area.” Mayor Lloyd Scidmore read four plans of action the council could act on regarding the water situation. Plan A consists of drilling a test hole at site nine and pumping it 24 hours at an estimated cost of $1,577. Plan B would involve salvaging materials from well No. 5 at an estimated cost of $1,550.

Plan C involves drilling well No. 6 using materials from the No. 5 well at an estimated cost of $4,920.

Plan D-construct well No. 6 using all new materials at an estimated cost of $4,620. The council did not act on which course it would follow. A meeting will be held with the engineers and contractors for termination of contracts for well No. 5 today at 2 p.m.

In other business, the members of the Street Commission gave a report on their inspection of the condition of sidewalks in the city of Colby. In the report, Leland Brunker described some of the sidewalks as “pitiful.” Edward Allmann stated, “there are a lot of bad ones.”