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ABBOTSFORD T RIBUNE PUBLISHED IN ABBOTSFORD THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1952 V.F.W will sell buddy poppies here Saturday Buddy poppies will be sold by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, on the streets of Abbotsford, Saturday. Buddy poppy posters were distributed to the business places Thursday. Each poster, printed in red and blue on a white background, holds three poppies.

The V.F.W. has acquired a new sign, made with the letters of pressed wood, mounted on a background, carries the designation, V.F.W. Post 865, and will be placed on their meeting lodge. The sign was made by Lewis Goldamer. At a meeting Wednesday evening, they voted to give the American Legion baseball team $10.00 for the coming season. A special meeting of the organization will be held Wednesday evening, May 21, to devise ways and means of putting a basement under their club house.

Girl Scouts to have court A court of Awards for the Girl Scout troop will be held in the grade school auditorium Monday evening, May 20, at 7:30 o’clock.

Members of the troop will present a short program with each patrol showing some phase of the work accomplished this year, after which they will be given their badges.

THE TRIBUNE-P HONOGRAPH PUBLISHED IN COLBY THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1972 53 Graduate from Abbotsford High School Fifty-three seniors are scheduled to graduate from Abbotsford High School during commencement exercises set for Wednesday, May 24, beginning with a musical interlude at 7:45 p.m. in the Abbotsford High School gymnasium. They are (with an asterisk indicating honor students): Gary Baxter, Walter Bernt, Thomas Bogaard, *Susan Boss, Bruce Butor, Darrell Degenhardt, *Daisie Degenhardt, Randall Eiden, David Frane, John Goldamer, *Judith Gosse, Randy Grambort, Harry Grondine Jr., Kathleen Grube. *Michael Hanson, Patty Ingersoll, Charles Jakel, *Linda Jeske, *Dan Kiefer, Lois Koch, Sharon Kramer, *Linda Krause, Daryl Kulas, Mary Kunze, *Nancy Laabs, Gerad Lamy (American Field Service Student), Joseph Lang. Antoinette Maslanka, David Miller, Barbara Morschhauser (American Field Service student), Doris Mroczenski, *Susan Nikolay, *Vicky Nixdorf, *Diane Ogurek, Ronald Polzin, Thomas Resech.

Darrell Schillinger, Jayne Schindler, Edwin Schmidt, James Schmidt, Michael Sebold, Mark Sossaman, Russel Soyk, *Arlene Spence, *David Streckert, Christine Suttner, *Sandra Thielman, *Bradley Trimner, Alan Uhlig, *Steven Watson, Duane Wepfer, Gloria Wesphal and *Christine York.