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A succesful first day of spring

A succesful first day of spring A succesful first day of spring

Overall, the first day of spring on Sunday, March 20, was a success. The snow was melting, we could finally do spring activities outside and we didn’t have to run the heat as long.

On Sunday, when I checked temperature it was 45 degrees Fahrenheit. I could do outdoor chores with ease: changing a headlight, feeding the chicken, throwing away garbage and picking up dog doodoo. My younger brother Jordan, who is 12 years old and stands shoulder height to me, hit golf balls in the yard while I did the chores. He is a good golfer, always worrying about the flight of the golf ball. “I didn’t do well with the eight iron, but the six iron I whacked it,” Jordan said.

I didn’t only do chores though, I played as well. I’ve been practicing my photography and taking several hundred pictures of my family members, dogs, cats and the chicken. Along with that I spent a good majority of the day reading “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, All-Star Superman comic book and a Matthew Kelley book named “Life is Messy. “

In the afternoon, my brother and I went to Hawkeye Dairy and got some ice cream. I got their famous moose tracks while he opted for Superman. We enjoyed the ice cream in the sun, as I didn’t want the ice cream to melt in my vehicle.

After we finished our ice cream, we went home and enjoyed the rest of the remaining daylight. I brought my books and camera outside to read in the sun while Jordan started on some wood projects with his wood-working tools.

After the sun went down we went inside to play video games. He played Fortnite while I played a newer game called Battlefield 2042. It’s a game in which you have to claim the enemy’s territory as your own. I eventually quit playing and went back to reading.

Of course, I had some homework to do, Oral Communications to be exact. It involved watching a movie called The King’s Speech, it was really good. It is about a future king who suffers from a bad stutter but has to give speeches.

The assignment itself involved a movie reflection, and why this movie correlates with a persuasive speech. It correlates because of the king’s fear and anxiety of public speaking. Our next speech has much fear behind it, compared to our first speech which was an informative speech, so I am looking forward to it.

The spring has only just begun so gather up your tools and outside furniture and equipment because this is going to be a summer to remember.

We are almost rid of all our snow. Before you know, it will be summertime 80 degrees, dreading the hot summer air and you’ll be pushed towards the lake.