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Paging Through H

Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in A bbotsford Thursday, january 10, 1952

82nd Congress Opens Election Year Session WASHINGTON – The 82nd Congress started its election-year session Tuesday. The next six months are expected to bring forth decisions, one way or the other, on such major matters as Universal Military Training, foreign military and economic aid, economic controls at home. and defense spending.

Leaders are hopeful the session can wind up in time for the July political conventions so members can go home afterward for the fall compaign.

All House seats will be at stake in the November voting. So will 32 Senate seats, as well as the presidency and the vice-presidency.

Eisenhower Available WASHINGTON – Gen. Dwight D Eisenhower proclaimed himself a Republican, and made it clear he would accept that party’s presidential nomination if it is offered. But he said he won’t actively seek it.

New Chevs Soon Here DETROIT - New model Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks will go on display at dealer showrooms nationaly, Saturday, Jan. 19.

The disclosure by W. E. Fish, general sales manager, accompanied an announcement that 1951 Chevrolet sales let all other automotive manufacturers in retail sales for the twelfth consecutive year.

Gaurds Play Here Sunday The Abbotsford Guards will play Dorchester Aces at the Abbotsford armory Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m.

Abbotsford leads the Cloverbelt League with a seven win, no loss record. Dorchester is in second place with a five to one records.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in C olby Wednesday, january 13, 1972

Abbotsford School Board hikes school lunch prices The Board of Education raised the school lunch prices effective Monday, Jan. 17, at the regular Board of Education meeting helpd on January 10.

The new lunch prices effective Monday are: Elementary – $1.25 per week or 30¢ daily; Jr. Sr. High $1.50 per week or 40¢ daily; and adults 60¢ daily.

Colby area adult classes offered Colby area adult education classes offered by North Central Technical Institutes Field Services program will begin the week of January 24. Classes will be help only if there is sufficient interest.

An ad listing the Colby offerings is in today’s paper. Call Jean Olund 223-3184 for preregistration.

Forensic Club to show horror film Tonight, January 13, the Colby High School Forensics Club is presenting another full-length motion picture in the Colby High Little Theatre. The film is Edgar Allen Poe’s horror classic, “The House of Usher,” starring Vincent Price.

A special bonus attraction is the original Dracula film starring Bella Lugosi. These two films are for horror film enthusiasts and for those who want a good scare.

The films will be shown in the Colby High Little Theatre at 3:45, 7:00 and 9:00.

Tickets may be purchased at the door. Prices are adults 75¢, students 50¢ and children 25¢. Proceeds will be used for a scholarship fund.