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FFA Alumni Association celebrates 50th anniversary

FFA Alumni Association celebrates 50th anniversary FFA Alumni Association celebrates 50th anniversary

The Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association chartered as a state association of the National FFA Organization in 1972, so it is only fitting to celebrate the 50th anniversary at the annual c o nve n tion and business meeting which is being held on Feb. 4 -5 2022, at the Central Wi s c o n sin conve ntion and Expo Center in Rothschild.

Re g i s tration is still open for the annual business meeting and conve ntion festivities, but it will close Jan. 4, 2022. To register you may go to https://wisconsinaged. org/alumni/ convention/register/.

There are many activities and opportunities that are available to those attending the event this year.

There will be a display of historical perspective to view throughout the weekend and the association is still looking for any artifacts that people may have from conventions of the past. Local alumni chapters are also being encouraged to bring a tri-fold display highlighting their local chapter events and programs.

There are optional tours available on Friday afternoon, followed by an Italian buffet, silent auction and evening of music and fun, featuring the band High Mileage from the Viroqua area.

Saturday will begin with our opening session followed by section and large group meetings and lunch.

The business meeting will happen after lunch where we will be electing the state association 2022- 23 vice president and reviewing the bylaws. There are numerous workshops planned for the afternoon and each attendee will have the chance to choose two.

The Wisconsin FFA Officer team will be providing assistance as needed throughout the weekend and will be sharing an inspirational refl ections program right before the evening banquet.

Chapters and individuals will be recognized at the banquet and the highlight of the banquet will happen at 7 p.m. as the winners for the state cash raffle are drawn. Tick ets are av a i l able from any state F F A Alumni council mem bers of Wisconsin FFA Fo u n dation board mem- bers. The convent ion festivities will end with the annual live auction on Saturday night. Donations are still being accepted for auction items. Any questions or inquiries regarding the convention can be sent to execdir@ wisconsinffaalumni. org.