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Now’s the time

The month of December not only marks the unoffi cial start of the Christmas season; it also ushers in next year’s spring election. Dec. 1 was the first day for would-be candidates for local office to start circulating nomination papers to be placed on the April 5, 2022, ballot. In most cases, all it takes is 20 signatures from neighboring constituents to get on the ballot.

As always, we encourage anyone who thinks their local city council or school board could be run better to challenge a sitting incumbent. Public comment periods are a good way to raise concerns and vent frustrations, but the best method for changing things is to get elected.

The city councils in Abbotsford and Colby and their respective school boards all require that nomination papers and declarations of candidacy be turned in by Jan. 4, at 5 p.m., in accordance with state election statutes. Given all of the controversy over the past year over mask mandates and other COVID-related matters, now would be a ripe opportunity to someone to run for Colby School Board if they feel the board has made the wrong decisions. The Abbotsford School Board will also be making some important decisions regarding the FEMA-funded storm shelter project. The city councils may not be confronting as many hot-button topics, but new voices are always welcome.

So, if you’re fed up with local government, now’s the time for you to start getting signatures.

The Tribune-Phonograph editorial board consists of publisher Kris O’Leary and editor Kevin O’Brien